Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It all begins...again!

As if the kids energy isn't enough to wear me out, we throw a calendar filled Fall schedule into the mix.   I welcome the change of schedule as the kids have become skilled at fighting with one another, a lot! Ashlyn likes to control things, and Austin knows how to get under her skin. It makes for pulling hair (with chunks being removed), swinging arms, name calling, and a worn out mommy. Austin doesn't quite get the hang of time out just yet, so he will sit in mommy's lap being held down, but (just like his sister) it mostly leads to laughing. Why is it that my children are UNPHASED by punishment?!?!?!

As the pool closed, the schools and after school activities were gearing up. Austin was excited for weeks to be going to school with Ashlyn. He would walk around with his backpack and tell everyone he was going to school. The first day he cried lots when mommy left, and his teachers (Miss Maria and Miss Amy) said it took 45 minutes to warm up.  Week 2 had only 5 minutes of crying, then each week got better. He now runs in the door to great his friends and play. Not too bad for a 2 year old who is very attached to his mommy.  Mommy has welcomed the 2 hours alone every Monday by making the gym a weekly routine. 
Testing out the backpack

First day of preschool 2012

Ashlyn started ballet at St. Romaine's Academy of Dance.  There are only 2 other little girls in her class, which I think is good for her attention span.  She does 30 minutes of ballet and then 15 of jazz.  She certainly enjoys the freestyle of jazz a lot more, and is funny to watch her shake her stuff to her own beat. Nothing sweeter or cuter than a preschooler in her ballet attire, makes me want to be a little girl again. Otherwise she is super happy to be back at school with all her friends and same teachers (Miss Paula & Carla). And the broken arm didn't slow things down at gymnastics through the summer. She is growing more advanced, stronger, and talented every month.  I think she has a sweet spot for the sport, or maybe she just likes Miss Chelsea. 

First day of Ballet

Jazz with Miss Amy

My mini gymnast

My babies are both in school, I need to slow down time.  As I begin to feel better in my 2nd trimester,  I am trying to enjoy every moment before life gets even crazier with 3. 

Time warp Part 2

With summer in full swing....we kept life in full swing!

We got patriotic:
Minutes before she was burned by the sparkler

Teaching pyro skills at an early age

Red, White and Blue Ash treats

Listening to Huey Lewis 

100 degrees at 10 PM for fireworks

We hung out with cousins:
Kings Island Fireworks

Dinner at Red Robin

Hanging out at Bega's House

Thunderstorm fun

Grahamy Graham hugs

Girls only tea party

Cutest girl in town

Sneaky smiles

Rocking out the geeky glasses

Testing out the side pony

Doll houses aren't just for girls

Sleepy smiles

Such a boy 

Evening snuggles 

We dressed up (and In many cases DOWN):

Princess Tiara

Rain boot stroll

Potty training trials

 Superhero undie excitement

Princess jasmine hand me down

Austin's Must have on "Ball Cap"

More rain boot strutting

Naked fort story time

A busy busy summer! By the end.... Our skin was tanner, Austin's hair longer and blonder, my belly growing thicker, and a lot of fun memories.  Hard to believe Fall could get even busier.   Bonus- Matt and I got a relaxing weekend away to Norris Lake with our friends. Was kinda nice being pregnant, meant I had a legit excuse to lounge around, read a book, and float on a raft.  It was MUCH MUCH needed! 
Norris Lake

Time warp Part 1

My excuse for 16 weeks of not blogging was because I felt horrible!! Nauseous, seriously NO energy, and was hitting the bed by 8:30 every night.  Why, because we have been blessed with Baby Bayer #3. While I remember the excruciating 1st trimester with my other two, you kinda forget how bad it is until you are in the moment.

Baby #3 at 4 weeks pregnant

At about 6 1/2 weeks, it all hit like a ton of bricks. Walking into the pantry made me feel like throwing up, the grocery store was torture, cooking dinner made me tired and sick thinking about it. Throwing up and heart burn pursued! I was praying for it to be short lived since Austin's was shorter than Ashlyn's, thinking maybe 3rd time would be even better, but unfortunately it lasted until 16 weeks.  I was napping almost every day when Austin went down. I'd put on a movie for Ashlyn and just lay in misery on the couch. Mom guilt doesn't even begin to explain how badly I felt.  It was summer, a time to be out having fun and being busy, yet the heat made me nauseous and I felt beyond exhausted.  Everyone said being 9 months pregnant in August sounded miserable, but I can attest that being 12 weeks pregnant was WAY worse for me.  Certainly all worth it in the end, but Baby B #3 didn't make things easy on me.

So what happened during those summer months......a lot!

We lost a buddy, best friend, companion, and so much more.  After months of bladder infections, urinating in the house, and vet visits, we found out Bailey had Cushings Disease.  It came down to treating with expensive medications, monthly blood tests, and a shorted life span, so we made the VERY tough decision to put Bailey down.  It was a horrible horrible day, one I won't soon forget, but I know she went to a better life!

Sweet, sweet Bailey

The Kids got messy:
Shaving cream fun

Sand & Water Table mess

Naked painting

Flavor Ice...yum!

Corn on the cob goodness

Sprinkler giggles

We took outings:
Kings Island

Daily Walks

Reds Game

Touch a Truck
Hiking/Creeking with friends

Putt Putting

We relaxed:
Daddy snuggles

Papa snuggles at the waterpark

Big boy bed naps

Cloud gazing