Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Looking Back and Moving On

Can you hear me screaming with excitement, "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh!!!!", I found my camera. I have emptied out the diaper bag, and gone through the thing a million times since Christmas. Imagine my surprise last night when I reach in the back pocket looking for all my missing pacifiers and my fingers touch a hard, leather case. Oh My Gosh!!!! I am one Happy Happy Momma right now, and i teared with joy to have all my precious Christmas photos memories back. So we backtrack to enjoy all the christmas smiles and family gatherings.

Opening Stockings

My beautiful family at Christmas Eve dinner

Ashlyn in her Gorgeous winter dress coat

Sledding with her uncles and cousins

Austin's Baptism with Wayne (who married us and baptized Ashlyn)

Godparents: Aunt Sarah and Uncle Larry

To see all of the Christmas pictures here is the link:

After looking back, crazy to think how much we have moved on to new things in a month. We have moved into a big girl bed, which is nice because it stops her coming into our bed when she wakes up in the middle of the night......BUT it has made bedtime routine a bit harder. She wants us to lay with her, or has 10 million excuses to not go to sleep yet. Luckily she doesn't get out of the bed, and it's already gotten better. I know it is a phase that will eventually pass, at least i'm hoping.

Unfortunatly one of Ashlyn's new favorite words is "No", which mommy and daddy do not like at all. She has also started chasing and tormenting the poor dog (in a friendly 2 year old manner). Not sure if it is the stir craziness of being trapped inside so much, or just the almost 2 1/2 year old maturing and becoming more defiant. Either way, it's not always fun, but the big hugs and super sweet "i'm sorry mommy" after time outs make it seem not as painful. I'm trying my best to keep her entertained, and focused on being a nice/polite/sweet little girl. But i've certainly lost my cool a few times in the last few weeks, and made a New Year's resolution to try to be more patient with her. I'll let you know how that goes in a month or so:)

A love/torment relationship with Bailey

It's all smiles at the end of the tunnel

Building forts for entertainment

Very proud of her Pink big girl bed

Being a proud Big Sister and wanting to give Austin a bottle

Little A just being CUTE and happy!

1 comment:

Peachy said...

OMG we made a fort JUST like that the other day when we actually had winter weather. I will have to post! Love catching up with you guys!