Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Little Man is 4 Months

Austin hit his 4 month mark last week. I had to bust out the old camera to document the moment. Our camera has still not unearthed itself, and daddy is stalling on letting mommy get a new one:(

Our well check up went great. As expected, he is still a big boy weighing in at 16 lbs 3 oz. That put him in the 76% percentile, which is better than 95th from his 2 month appointment. He is running 40% for height, although the nurse said he wouldn't stretch out so it's probably more like 50%. Dr. Wallace said he is advanced in most of his physical milestones, he's rolling over from back to tummy, very strong, stands well, laughing, grabbing. All the norm for 4 months, thankfully, just a big strong boy. He also noted that Austin has the same eye issue, Pseudostrabismus, that Ashlyn had. It is the slight appearance of a lazy eye on one side, but in reality it's just that the fold of skin on that side is larger and you see less white. It is much less noticeable than Ashlyn's....I had not even noticed it....way to go observant mom:) He laughed after his 1st shot, then we had some good yells for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Ugh, I hate shots.

He has so much personality these days, loves playing with toys and holding crinkle paper, giggles the hardest at daddy, and fuss's less and less all the time. We started rice cereal this week, way earlier than i did with Ash, but he's been sleeping less and acting hungrier so they told me to start now. He already went back to sleeping 8 hours last night.....guess he was hungry! Rolling into month 5, and loving every minute of our little guy.

Been having lots of playdates to get out of the house with Ashlyn. She's very interactive with other kids, plays well, and isn't shy at all. She'll walk right in a room and just start playing and say hi to everyone, I love that she's social and not afraid to break away from me. I was a super shy kid, and with her being home with me all day you just never know. Have two preschool open houses this week, then we'll just wait to see what happens come early February. At least I feel confident she'll have no trouble socializing and going to school next year!

We've been trying out lots of new "dairy free" desserts, becuase it's killing mommy to not bake all my goodies. Thankfully Ghiradelli chocolate chips are soy based instead of milk, so I can keep the choc chip cookies coming!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Linds, you seem to have it all together and I love it. Your kiddos are precious. Ashlyn exudes personality and Austin seems like he will be such a ladies man. Keep up the great work mama. BTW, you are going to LOVE is amazing. In fact I am thrilled to be having #3 and get to start all over again at ours since this is our last year. (I am on the school board for ours for 3 years so I figured I needed another kids there while I went to meetings!, HA!)