Thursday, October 7, 2010

Being a Mom of 2

I do not know what could be sweeter than while holding my newborn baby, my precious baby girl lays her head on my shoulder and says "Love you Austin, Love you Mama".

Have to say that I went into having 2 children with the overall impression that going from 1 child to 2 is pretty tough. Not that it's harder than having one, but that it is exhausting and takes a lot of transitioning. So while adding a new bundle of joy into the house isn't a walk in the park, I can honestly say it has been a super easy life change.

When i had Ashlyn I remember feeling overwhelmed, emotional, physically and mentally drained, like i was supposed to feel a certain way and I didn't know what that was, ect. Where as bringing Austin home was just natural. Life went back to normal within days, I felt normal, and I it all felt right. I'm sure a lot of that is the knowledge that goes with being a 2nd time parent, but it's a really good feeling. I'm not exhausted, i'm not overwhelmed, i'm not crazy emotional, i'm just beyond blessed at my beautiful babies and how awesome it is to hold them both in my arms and smoother them with kisses.

The past few weeks have been crazy, it seems like months ago that I had Austin. We've had visitors, been out and about a ton, and just trying to keep life as normal as possible for Ashlyn. Ashlyn is quickly adjusting to having her brother in the house. We've had less tantrums, and needing attention from mommy/daddy. We still go out to wave at the bus as it goes by in the morning, go to the playground, have gymnastics class, and watch lots of Mickey mouse. She started calling me "mama" out of nowhere last weekend. I love it!! Here she is:


Reading Books with Her Uncles

And Playing in the Rain

Thank goodness this little one sleeps ALL the time. We are usually up just once each night to nurse, and awake maybe two hours out of the day. I'm not complaining, but he is one sleepy sleepy boy. Waiting for the day he just Wakes Up, eek! Makes it fun for all the visitors to just hold, snuggle, and love on the little guy.

My Little Tiger Snoozing

Snuggling with Aunt Liz (who came for a weekend visit)

Cuddling in Nicole's lap
Bonding (or sleeping) with Aunt Ashes and Uncle Nick

Letting Loose with Uncle Justen
Having his First Bottle

Loving on My Beautiful Babies!

1 comment:

Katie said...

What a WONDERFUL post this was!!!! You look amazing Linds and I am so glad you have settled into being a mom of 2 well. I agree, it just gets better and better til soon you forget life before your sweet babes! Enjoy every moment. HUGS!