Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Little Miss Dimples Turns 2

Although we have been in toddler mode for quite some time, Ashlyn officially turned 2 on September 23rd. Hard to believe my baby girl is 2. I honestly don't even know where the last year went, I feel like it was yesterday that I was putting her in a birthday hat and tutu for her 1 year portraits. She has been a bit out of sorts the past 2 weeks ,since Austin came home, so I was glad to have a reason to celebrate and focus on her for a couple days. Seems like we've been celebrating for days now. Lots of people brought over gifts, we got phone calls, and then did a party at Mimi's house over the weekend. She was getting frustrated when we would sing Happy Birthday to her, so I wasn't sure how the party would go, but she clearly was over being dramatic and loved all the attention from the family. I love that my little baby is becoming such a sweet and adorable little girl, but it's sad that she is a "girl" and not my baby. Can't get enough hugs and kisses from her cute dimple face, and am so proud of my daughter!!! Happy Birthday Ashlyn!

Look who Turned 2

Obsessed with her new Big Girl Bike

My mom ALWAYS made our birthday cakes, so it is a tradition I am trying to keep with my children. Took me hours, but i'm pretty happy with my 2nd year of making Ashlyn's birthday cake.

She was so proud of the cake (melted my heart), kept saying "My puppy dog cake"

Minnie Mouse themed birthday party at Mimi's House

Happy Birthday to Me!

Huffed and Puffed, and tried to blow those candles out!

Getting showered with gifts from the Family! Thank you everyone.

Till Next Year!

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