Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Last Blast of Summer

I have felt anything but cute the last few months, so it was such a pleasant surprise to get these AMAZING maternity photos captured by Natalie Schindler. She made me feel beautiful and got some adorable photos with Ashlyn and I to capture this time in our lives.
Baby 2 seems to constantly have the hiccups these days, which is a tad annoying, and never happened to me with Ashlyn. Otherwise, I think this baby is going to sit tight for the long run. Having lots of cramping but it seems in no hurry to join us outside the womb. Trying to be patient, but since I went early with Ashlyn, it's hard to understand why I am not holding my baby yet. I can honestly say, I'm ready......bring on the Baby!!!

As for my little busy bee, the last 2 weeks have been full of last minute summer activities. We never seem to have a dull moment and she is full of energy. The girl keeps me energized for sure. She loves going to her gymnastics class every Tuesday, and I think we've hit up every playground in a 5 mile radius of our house. Makes my hot summer days go a little faster, i'll miss it when the warmth and sunshine are gone!

Dressing up in Mommies Necklaces:

Sitting in the big kids chair at the bar and drawing pictures for Daddy:

Totally fascinated by babies- She is going to be an awesome Big Sister!

Not too sure about the shaving cream. Kept saying, "big mess"

Always loving her bath time, and running naked afterwards!

Checking out the Sunflowers!

Loving the zoo and her first time Feeding the Giraffe's!