Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Little Miss Dimples Turns 2

Although we have been in toddler mode for quite some time, Ashlyn officially turned 2 on September 23rd. Hard to believe my baby girl is 2. I honestly don't even know where the last year went, I feel like it was yesterday that I was putting her in a birthday hat and tutu for her 1 year portraits. She has been a bit out of sorts the past 2 weeks ,since Austin came home, so I was glad to have a reason to celebrate and focus on her for a couple days. Seems like we've been celebrating for days now. Lots of people brought over gifts, we got phone calls, and then did a party at Mimi's house over the weekend. She was getting frustrated when we would sing Happy Birthday to her, so I wasn't sure how the party would go, but she clearly was over being dramatic and loved all the attention from the family. I love that my little baby is becoming such a sweet and adorable little girl, but it's sad that she is a "girl" and not my baby. Can't get enough hugs and kisses from her cute dimple face, and am so proud of my daughter!!! Happy Birthday Ashlyn!

Look who Turned 2

Obsessed with her new Big Girl Bike

My mom ALWAYS made our birthday cakes, so it is a tradition I am trying to keep with my children. Took me hours, but i'm pretty happy with my 2nd year of making Ashlyn's birthday cake.

She was so proud of the cake (melted my heart), kept saying "My puppy dog cake"

Minnie Mouse themed birthday party at Mimi's House

Happy Birthday to Me!

Huffed and Puffed, and tried to blow those candles out!

Getting showered with gifts from the Family! Thank you everyone.

Till Next Year!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Season, New Beginnings

As the summer shifts to fall, our lives has shifted from one of 3 to 4. I am blessed to say that I had the most Amazing experience having my 2nd child, and am even more blessed to welcome a son into our family.

Austin James was born on September 14th, 2010 at 2:39 PM. Weighing in at 7 lbs 11 oz and 20.5 inches long.

My OB decided to go ahead and induce me at 39 weeks since I was 3 cm dialated, having lots of regular cramping, and had such a hard time pushing out Ashlyn.

We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 am on Tuesday the 14th. After a not fun experience getting my hand IV (poked over and over, busted a vein in my hand, and pumped fluid into it) we were ready to get things going. They started my pitocin around 7:30 and I felt tightening from the contractions but no pain. Requested the epidural at 8 since I don't like pain. They had the epidural in by 8:45 and my OB broke my water around 9 am. Things progressed from there at a pretty regular pace, dialating about 2 cm's every 2.5 hours or so. When she checked me at 2:00 I was at 10 cm, and ready to push.

The nurse called the OB and came back to start practice pushing. My dad arrived and helped me push. About 20 minutes later Dr. Shie arrived and they prepped me to deliver. Matt and I were in shock since I pushed for 2 hours with Ashlyn. About 2 more contractions of pushing, and we had our baby BOY!! Matt was all smiles, it was an awesome surprise (definitely worth the wait). I felt no pain during the delivery (unlike Ashlyn) and had no tearing. It was almost TOO easy and surreal.

Ashlyn arrived about 2 hours later and got to see Austin for the first time as we settled into our big corner "suite" for the night. She wasn't too sure what to make of him, but very excited!

Our family of 3 quickly changed to a perfect little family of 4!

After 1 night in the hospital, we decided we wanted to head home. I was feeling really good and everything checked out great with Austin. So we packed our bags and broke out early. Not sure I would do that again, it was pretty exhausting at home that night!

Ashlyn spent another night with Mimi and Papa as we settled back at home with Austin, then she joined us the next day. She loves knowing where he is, and what he's doing, but really has no interest in holding him or messing with him. She just likes to look at him and say "Hi Baby Austin". It's been an adjustment with lots of temper tantrums and wanting mommy to hold her, but that's to be expected and overall she's doing pretty well.

He looks just like his big sister, and daddy! Doesn't have the big cheeks and dimples like Ashlyn did, but everything else about his face is exactly the same.

Mostly he does what babies do best, SLEEP! The boy is awake maybe 2 hours out of the day. We've gotten a whole week now of awesome sleep. He nurses at 11, sleeps until about 3:30, then nurses and goes right back to sleep till 7. He never cries unless you are changing his diaper. It really is just too good to be true, but i'm not complaining. We've been sent an angel, and I just can't get enough of him! Our lives truly have been BLESSED!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Last Blast of Summer

I have felt anything but cute the last few months, so it was such a pleasant surprise to get these AMAZING maternity photos captured by Natalie Schindler. She made me feel beautiful and got some adorable photos with Ashlyn and I to capture this time in our lives.
Baby 2 seems to constantly have the hiccups these days, which is a tad annoying, and never happened to me with Ashlyn. Otherwise, I think this baby is going to sit tight for the long run. Having lots of cramping but it seems in no hurry to join us outside the womb. Trying to be patient, but since I went early with Ashlyn, it's hard to understand why I am not holding my baby yet. I can honestly say, I'm ready......bring on the Baby!!!

As for my little busy bee, the last 2 weeks have been full of last minute summer activities. We never seem to have a dull moment and she is full of energy. The girl keeps me energized for sure. She loves going to her gymnastics class every Tuesday, and I think we've hit up every playground in a 5 mile radius of our house. Makes my hot summer days go a little faster, i'll miss it when the warmth and sunshine are gone!

Dressing up in Mommies Necklaces:

Sitting in the big kids chair at the bar and drawing pictures for Daddy:

Totally fascinated by babies- She is going to be an awesome Big Sister!

Not too sure about the shaving cream. Kept saying, "big mess"

Always loving her bath time, and running naked afterwards!

Checking out the Sunflowers!

Loving the zoo and her first time Feeding the Giraffe's!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Finally shifting over!

My pediatrician told me that at the age of 1 it's All about mom, then around the age of 2 it becomes All about Dad. Well I am happy to say that Ashlyn seems to FINALLY be making that transition. This week has been all about Daddy. She wants him to do everything with her, even running to him first to kiss her boo boo and get hugs. It is So adorably sweet, and I know Matt is eating it up too. Just in time for Baby #2, whew! Let's hope it isn't just a weekly phase.