Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What a Challenge....

It is being a mother sometimes. As if we aren't hard enough on ourselves and the choices we make as parents, we are always under the scrutiny of outsiders looking in. What our kids eat, how we discipline, the way they act in public.

So it is very hard for me right now that a new side of Ashlyn has started to emerge. She thinks it's funny to hit mommy in the face, she laughs at me when i discipline her, tries to smack the dog, has to do everything her way, and she specifically does things when I tell her no (ex. looking right at me and throwing food across the table after being to stop), ect. I know they hit an age where they start becoming more independent and testing the boundaries, but wow this is tough!

So please don't judge me if she isn't perfect on a trip to the grocery store, at a restaurant, or even in her own home. Mommy is having a hard time finding a balance of teaching right and wrong and staying patient through it all. (Sighs)

If only she weren't so darn cute!