Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A big 19

Ashlyn and I have both hit a 19 mark. She turned 19 months old last week, and I am 19 weeks pregnant.

My little cutie pie is as active as ever. I think she would spend all of her time outside if possible. She is still talking up a storm, often puzzling me as to what she is saying, but with the help of pointing i usually figure it out. She has also started to do imaginative play. She will sit at the her play table and pour herself a cup of tea and then just chitter chatter. I see many tea parties in our future. April was a fun month of getting out and about to discover new things. I think May will bring many more new opportunities and adventures!

Had my Big ultrasound today. We stuck it out and DID NOT find out the sex of the baby. Was tough when the tech told us she definitely knew what it was. Asked if we wanted to see that region so we could make our own guess but we decided not too. Going to be a long 4 1/2 months. The baby was not overly cooperative today either. Didn't move around a whole lot, and kept putting it's arm in front of the face. From the front the baby does look like it has the Bayer face. Puffy little checks and a defined chin.....oooh so cute! Can't wait to meet the little one in person.

As for me, here is my 19 week belly. I am definitely a lot bigger this time around. I compared it to last time and it looks like my 22 week picture. Even scarier was that I measured at 22 1/2 weeks today. Last time i always measured 2 weeks small, so it's scary to think i'm measuring 3 weeks big. Maybe that means it's a boy, or it means i'm going to be a House. Eeeeekkk!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

When you *Wish* upon a star

So the Big 30th birthday is right around the corner. Matt asked me yesterday what i would like for my birthday. I am already getting everything i want this year..... A trip to TX to visit my girlfriends and a 30th birthday party. So really, I am happy. He proceeds to tell me that he knows i'll be sad if I don't have anything to open on my birthday so I need to think of something. Unfortunately my wish list is in all honestly, a "Wish" list. So if money or reality wasn't an object, this is what my list would look like.

30th Birthday Wish List

*A swingset for the backyard- mommy would love it if she didn't have to walk all the way to the playground everyday!

*New Spring/Summer clothes- umm, my tummy is growing everyday and I sure as heck don't want a whole new wardrobe of maternity outfits.

*A Volvo station wagon-yes I want to be "that" mom.

*Another trip to the beach- who doesn't love a beach getaway!

*Housekeeper- oh wait, that's me, I just don't get paid to do it.

*My Mom back- I know i'm retarded, but it is a WISH list!

*Date night once a month- hahaha, laughing as I type. What's date night?!?!

*Pregnancy massage - ok, so this one is feasible but i ask for it every year.

*Get to know the sex of Baby Bayer #2- I'm actually ok with not knowing, i just think sitting at the ultrasound next week and not being told might kill me!

*Have the baby on Sept 18- so I know this is 100% out of anyone's control, but would be so cool to have the baby on mom's birthday!

All in all, I have to say i've always looked forward to turning 30. I picture my 30's to be some of the best memories of my lifetime. Don't need material things, just thankful i'll get to be surrounded byfamily and friends who want to celebrate life with me!!

For fun, here is ashlyn doing a somersault. She's pretty good at it actually!!!!
All lined up and ready to go....
Doing it over and over again, laughing all the way!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring Into Action

With the beautiful Spring weather it seems like our life has sprung into action as well. The neighborhood (left) is beautiful right now with all the flowers and trees in full bloom. We have gotten out almost every single day and taken an hour walk. Ashlyn loves our daily walks, and the upper 70's weather has made it really nice for mommy too. We've been taking daily trips to the playground to swing and the pond looking for ducks. Ashlyn has been a sea of smiles the past two weeks. She giggles at everything and is talking up a storm. She points out what everything is to me. "Momma's milk" "Bailey's bowl" and tells me throughout the day "Daddy go work." It's so much fun hearing her repeat the words she learns at random and string small sentences together.

As for me, i'm feeling really good. Have heartburn, but the morning sickness is pretty much gone. I am SO thankful to be over the naseau and throwing up the past 3 months brought. Not as horrible as with Ashlyn, but it was still pretty bad and NOT fun at all. I've gotten most of my energy back and am enjoying getting back to a regular work out routine. Haven't really felt movement yet, but i'm sure it will come soon. I'm 17 1/2 weeks and that is when i felt it with my first pregnancy. So far so good!

Enjoy Ashlyn's springy smiles and sunshine.

Mmmmm..... Peanut Butter!!!!

How big is Ashlyn......"So Big!"

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend started off with a really "Good Friday". Matt's parents came down to Cincinnati to help with some projects around the house and then we took Ashlyn to visit the zoo. It was her first time, and she loved seeing all the animals. A lot of the animals were being lazy and sleepy, bummer, but she still saw a good amout in our hour and 1/2 visit. The Bears were definitely her favorite. She was waving at them and saying hi. Followed closely by the monkeys, a girl who takes after her momma. I got a seasons pass, can't wait to taking her back and hopefully see and do more each time we go.

First Visit to the Zoo
Ashlyn Loves the Bears

What a bunch of Monkeys!

Wasn't really sure how Easter would pan out this year. I've been through a whirlwind of emotions over the last week. Am feeling better from my morning sickness, loving the abnormally warm weather, getting out and excercising more, BUT the overwhelming fact that it's been a year since losing mom is a constant pang on my heart. It's hard not to relive that day over and over in my mind, and think about all she's missed over the past year. As peaceful as mom's death was, watching someone take their last breath is a very tough memory. She told us the day before Easter that she wasn't afraid to die, and believed she would have everlasting life with the Lord. I know that is true, and that brings me TRUE comfort and peace in her going to be with God. It will always makes Easter day a hard/yet beautiful day for me. How holy to die on Easter day. I miss you so much mom, not sure how this hole in my heart will ever be filled!

Ashlyn wore her same dress from last year, a gift from my mom, for Easter Sunday. She looked so cute and it was a gorgeously sunny Sunday. We started off the day sitting on the porch watching Ashlyn go through her Easter basket. Then headed up to Dayton for church and brunch with Matt's family. Ashlyn got in a good nap (which gave me time to visit mom) before all the cousins came for a fun Easter hunt. We sat outside enjoying the rest of the glorious afternoon watching the kids run around and play. Dad came over to enjoy a nice light dinner with us before we headed back to Cincinnati. It was a great day full of family, food, and Love!

Could she be any more ADORABLE in her Easter Dress with her basket?!?!