Thursday, March 4, 2010

Speedy Wrap Up

Lap top is back in action! They had to wipe my hard drive, so I lost everything on here but luckily have it all backed up on my other computer. Still means i have lots of new pictures to upload and things to get back to normal. Computers....ugh!

So what has been happening with the Bayers over the last 2 months? Here is our busy life in a nutshell:
  • We finally got over Ashlyn's back to back colds. She seemed to have a cough and cold from Thanksgiving until mid january. Ended it with an ear infection and then a nice 24 hour vomit/poo bug. FUN!!!!
  • Hoping the fluid lingering in Ashlyn's ears from the colds is gone by her 18 month appointment or we'll be discussing tubes. Boo!!!
  • Took a trip to NYC to help out Brandon with the kids while liz traveled for work. Was a lot of fun but right when my morning sickness started so I missed my bed and my hubby a whole lot.
  • Ashlyn loves listening to music and dancing.

  • Ashlyn has had an explosion of words. She tries to say much of what we do. She knows all her animal sounds, and even strings together small sentences like "Hi Baby Boy". It's so cute! Our favorite is when she screams out pancakes. She sure does love some breakfast pancakes.
  • We are also still climbing on everything, and even thinking about taking on the challenge of the crib (thankfully hasn't quite figured that one out yet).
  • We are starting to become very curious at potty training. She says poo after she poops and has gone to the door of the bathroom and says potty. We'll sit on the potty, but have yet to have anything come out. I'm not pushing it cause she's so young, just going with the flow of her actions for now.
  • As for mommy, feeling better but not out home free. I'll go days feeling ok then be hit with a horrible day. This time has been much easier than with Ashlyn though, so I really can't complain.
  • Survived all 30+ inches of snow we got over the month of February, but am so ready for some sunshine and spring weather.
  • Are working on our latest kitchen project....granite counter tops. Hopefully will post pictures of the finished product in another week or two.
  • Joined a woman's bible study and hoping to maybe meet some more people in my community.

Guess that is a quick wrap up of our lives. Ashlyn is a walking tornado, making a path of destruction everywhere she goes and getting into everything. Keeps me very busy and a bit exhausted but I still can't get enough of her!!!!!


Katie said...

SO glad you are back, been thinking about you.

gloria gaylor said...

so glad to see you and ashlyn the other day--- you look wonderful and happy....i am so proud of you,lindsey!! you are an amazing mom, wife, friend, event/wedding coordinator, and person. your mom is SOOO smiling about you!

Peachy said...

Sorry Matt- she is looking more like her momma!! Can't wait to see yall! Maybe Ashlyn can teach Rhet some words, we are still stuck on "deer, truck, Sid (from sid the science kid). "