Thursday, March 11, 2010

Zing Zang Zoom

Took Ashlyn to her first circus last night with the neighbors. Wasn't sure how it was going to go since she doesn't sit well for long periods, and it started at 7 pm. Surprisingly, she did really well. She was fascinated anytime there were animals, the elephants were her favorite. Otherwise, she either starred behind us at the kids twirly lights, or bounced from lap to lap checking it all out. Circus wasn't quite as Spectacular as I remember it as a child, but guess that goes for lots of things in life. It was still a fun first!

Can you tell her top eye teeth are coming in. Ha!

We are still fitting a cold. Hasn't slowed her down at all, and sleep has been good. Mostly just a dry and cracked crusty snot face for mommy to wipe constantly. As you can tell, by her playing peek a boo with me in her car this morning, she's still happy and getting into trouble.

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