Monday, April 20, 2009

Heavy Heart

I am filled with sadness during this extremely difficult time for me and my family. Although the passing of my mother was peaceful, surrounded by family, and without pain and suffering-the loss weighs heavy on my heart. As life settles down, the reality of it all is setting in.

She was my best friend, the one I called when I was bored, happy, sad, or needed advice. I would go to Dayton at least once a week for her company and she loved spending time with Ashlyn. Her death is overwhelming, and something that is going to take me a very long time to move on from.

I know I have to keep myself together, and stay strong for Ashlyn and Matt...but right now I feel like I want to fall apart. I am not sure how to make my life feel normal again. I miss her so very very much and wish I could have my Mommy back!

I love you Mom!


Jules said...

Linds - I'm so sorry for your loss... I'm here if you need ANYTHING! xoxo


Katie said...

You are in my heart and on my mind daily. Love you.