Monday, April 6, 2009

Slowly back to normal

We are slowly getting back to normal. Finally got some smiles and a few laughs by Saturday, but Ashlyn is still a bit cranky! The runny nose and raspy cough are lingering, but more than anything the eating is still off. I have filled my freezer full with milk. Pumping all the time sucks, and I look forward to her having a normal appetite again. We've been held lots over the past week, and mommy's neck and arms are also feeling all 18 pounds of it:) My throat started hurting Sunday night, fingers crossed i'm not coming down with something.

In other food news. We love sweet potatoes! Peas have gotten more of the "hmm" response. I'm still waiting for the food that will get the crazy "uck" face proceeded by her spitting it out. Doubt it will be as funny when she spits it all over me, but still amusing no less. She is such a big girl, even drinking water out of a sippy cup at feeding time.
It is snowing her tonight. Went from 69 degrees, to 31 degrees in one day. We've had such beautiful spring weather lately too. Darn Ohio. Hope your neck of the woods is a little nicer.

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