Thursday, January 22, 2009

Goodbye 3 Months, Hello 4!

My little girl is no so little anymore. She turns 4 months tomorrow. We have her 4 month appointment and I am very curious to see how much she's grown over the last two months. The 3rd month flew by faster than ever, and I imagine it will only go faster as she continues to do more and become more interactive. I know it will only get better, but I'll miss her being so small!!!!

Why I loved the 3rd month:
  • She smiles more than ever
  • She sleeps 7 to 10 hours every night
  • She is ticklish when I put lotion on her neck
  • She giggles when I tickle her and make funny noises
  • She talks like a drunk sailor to her monkey friends
  • She loves looking and talking to mommy and daddy
  • She smiles and kicks when I go to get her out of the crib in the morning
  • She goes down for more regular naps
  • She blows spit bubbles, which I think is cute
  • She loves to look at herself in the mirror
  • She holds her rattle, and snuggles her lovie bunny
  • She likes it when I read her colorful story books
  • She still likes to be held
  • She cuddles up to my neck when she is sleepy

1 comment:

Peachy said...

I am def. loving this third month; I feel like a lightbulb has gone off and he is this bubbling lauging little boy. No more quiet little baby...