Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year, New Happenings

We really didn't do anything exciting for the New Year. Didn't have a baby sitter, so we ended up laying low for the first time in many years. We went to Rafferty's for dinner, put Ashlyn down, watched the ball drop, then was in bed about 25 minutes later. It was relaxing and a nice change of pace, but not anything crazy to write home about!

We have had a few fun things happen since the 2009 year began. On Friday, Ashlyn giggled for the first time. I was kissing her neck and making funny noises and she started giggling. It is so cute! I wish she would do it more often. Then as of yesterday, she finally found her hands. She was staring at her fist and actually held on to a rattle and shook it a few times. I've been waiting for weeks for her to see her hands, so I was so excited when i saw her staring at them. Yipee! I know there will be many more firsts to come.

Ashlyn loves to stare at the Monkey on both her play mat and bouncer, I think they are becoming good friends because she talks up a storm to them. Guess she might love monkeys like her mama. Here she is hanging out on our bed with my other baby....Mr. Monkey.

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