Thursday, July 31, 2008

30 weeks

Ahhh, I've hit the big "30". It starts to feel real when you get into the 30's. Matt and I went running on Tuesday night and I was quite a bit more winded than I have been getting. Guess it's only going to get harder and harder at this point. I'm doing my best to still run, stretch, and stay moving. I don't want to turn into Moby the whale in my last 2 months. Baby B is growing bigger and getting stronger every day. It's almost countdown time.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Few Shower Pics

Sarah sent me a few pictures, so I thought i'd share. The first is how nice and AWESOME I looked walking downstairs in my finest white t-shirt. The second is us playing the bottle race game- we had to chug sparkling cider out of baby bottles. That is really hard to do, no wonder babies cry cause they don't get enough, it's hard work. Sarah won, guess she is good at sucking:)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Spent the afternoon at Newport Aquarium with Liz, mom, and the kids. It was a lot of fun. We saw some cool jelly fish, tried to touch the sharks, fed the birds, laughed at the turtles, watched the otters play in the water, and saw some penguins shake their stuff. A nice change of pace from being at home all day. Can't wait for the trip to the ZOO.....Monkeys!!!!!!

Surprise Shower

I was completely shocked on Sunday afternoon to find my friends at my parents house for a surprise baby shower. Sarah and my sister had concocted this little plan awhile back and I was definitely surprised.

I randomly spent the night at my parents house on Saturday (unplanned) so I didn't have any clothes to wear. I had Matt bring me up a t-shirt and jean skirt (out of the hamper I might add) to throw on for the day. We went to get Mexican with mom, Liz, the kids, Ashley and Nick. Then went to the butterfly garden at Cox (which I now know was to kill time).

When we got back to the house there was a card for me on the kitchen counter. It was the invitation and on the bottom said, come downstairs. I was SOOOO confused and got all hot and sweaty. Needless to say, I totally did not look cute and was wearing dirty clothes (awesome).

A lot of people couldn't come, but there were still several of my girlfriends waiting in the basement. They had lots of delicious treats, strawberry delight, taste of elegance cupcakes, fruit and other goodies. We opened gifts- and I got a lot of really nice things- including my jogging stroller- and then played a few games.

It was too sweet and definitely a huge surprise, I have great friends. I don't have pics cause I wasn't prepared with a camera- but i'll post some when anyone sends me some.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

29 Weeks and a trip to SC

Had a GREAT trip to Columbia, SC. I spent a few nights at Stephanie's house, and got to spend some time with Nicola and Ryan as well. It was a great weekend. We had no agenda, so we just did whatever popped up. Got pedicures, went to the pool, shopped, ate out, enjoyed my favorite TCBY white chocolate mousse, and just caught up. Stephanie and I got lots of funny comments waddling around town together. One lady even yelled out the car window that we were beautiful- you gotta love the south!!! It was exactly what I needed, some quality time with really good friends. Makes me realize how great they are and how much I miss being close to them!!!!

Here is the most recent bump picture. I'm at 29 weeks and still feeling really good. I haven't heard anything about my glucose test last Friday, so I'm assuming I passed. They had to do both arms cause they had trouble getting blood, but I survived and it really wasn't bad.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Mattress Came....Yipee!

The mattress arrived last Wednesday, so we finally put the rest of the bedding on the crib. I know I need to trim the ribbons on the bumper, and probably eventually take the whole thing out. But for now, it looks so cute and pretty. I don't love the blanket that came with the set, but it isn't like the baby will really use it anyway. The plush crib sheet is so stinking soft, I want a sheet like that for our bed. Looks beautiful, all we need now is Baby B!

All we have left: get in the chair, order the rug, and paint some sweet treats on the walls. Gives me goose bumps, so exciting!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shower Invitation

The invitations went out last week for my first baby shower. They are so adorable. My Mother in Law and Sister in Law are hosting the shower. It is a luncheon on August 2nd. I am very excited about it and hope the next two weeks fly by so that it gets here quickly! I love baby showers, everything is always so cute, and it is surreal this one is for me!!!

I registered at Baby Registry, and Babies R Us. Surprisingly we found that Amazon has cheaper prices on many of the items.

I am visiting South Carolina this weekend, enjoying some quality time with my college girlfriends. My friend Stephanie is due the week before me, so it's so fun to have lots of pregnancy woes to relate to. It is supposed to be 100 degrees here. Think happy thoughts so that Baby B, and I, don't melt:)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

28 Weeks

Baby B is officially off her rocker! I think she is taking after my sister and going to be a competitive gymnast or something. It looks like small explosions in my belly as she flips and turns, a bit disturbing actually. She's given me a few swift blows to the ribs too. I guess she's taking advantage of the space while she has it. Soon she'll be crammed in there nice and tight.

I can tell a huge difference in my size in the last two weeks. I know i'm still not huge or anything, but shirts I could wear a few weeks ago, now look like Chris Farley in his "little coat". Kinda like this guy, haha:

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hit the Motherload

I had a very very successful trip to the Gap Distribution Outlet in Kentucky today. I got 2 pants, 2 shorts, 3 dresses, 2 skirts, 1 long sleeve, 1 zip up hoodie, 10 t-shirts and 7 tank tops, all for $120. I seriously have the biggest bag full of greatness. I am so happy to not have to wear the same 10 shirts over and over again for the next 3 months. I mean, I love what I have.....but after already wearing them for 2 months, it's getting old quickly.

I also ordered the chair for the babies room. I got the Dutailier Grand Glider Sleigh Chair. It is a harvest wood color, with a yellow microfiber fabric. Figure with the blue green on the wall, and the yellow shag carpet it will look really good. Won't be in for 10 weeks, but i'm still pumped about it!

Last but not least- Matt and I purchased our first item for Baby B this weekend. Since we have been given piles of clothes from my sister and law, we haven't bought any clothing items. I couldn't resist this onesie! If you know how much I love Halloween, you'd understand. It is so stinking cute. She may only be a few weeks old on Halloween, but i'm still going to put her little bitty body into this. Makes me smile:)

Monday, July 14, 2008

In a Rut!

Not sure what my problem is, but I was in a rut all weekend. I think the toll of moving to a new town where I don't have friends around, all the sudden feeling pregnant, being alone all day, and my mom are hitting me. I'm not depressed or anything, but not my happy go lucky self.

Headed to SC next week for a couple days to see my best friends, I'm hoping that is exactly what I need to raise my spirits. Guess I'm just apprehensive about the upcoming months, expenses, and not feeling attractive right now. As always, this too shall pass, but wanted to share my gloomy feelings.

On a positive note, it is supposed to be a beautifully sunny day- so hopefully I can job hunt, and get lots of errands done to keep myself occupied. Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Furniture is Set

The room still looks a bit bare . Without the changing table on the dresser, mattress and bedding in the crib, and chair missing, the room is choppy and plain. Once we get those last few pieces, and the top portion of the wall decorated, I'm sure it will be a whole new look.

I think I am going to order a yellow shag carpet (Matt loves shag) to go in front of the crib, and probably a yellow fabric for the chair. I am starting to look at gliders and chairs this week, we haven't picked anything out yet. I know they can take a long time to order, so hopefully I can quickly find something comfy that I like.

Here is stage 1 of Baby B's room. May be a few weeks before much changes, but it's nice to finally see some baby items in our home.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Yes, I swallowed a ball!

I am posting a rare view from the front. As you can see, it basically looks like I swallowed a ball. My hips have opened up over the past month or so, but luckily my belly is growing pretty much straight out. Not sure how great that will be for avoiding the ever dreaded "stretch marks" over the next 3 months. As long as I'm not producing a 10 pounder, I pray I'll be able to avoid those.

Had a Dr.'s appointment yesterday and all is well. My weight didn't jump like it did the month before, so that was a nice sight. I have to go get that glucose blood test next Friday. Being the complete wuss that I am, I am dreading another blood test. EEK! I figure if my mom can get poked and prodded every week, and handle having poison in her body......I can handle drinking a sugary fluid and getting a tiny bit of blood drawn.

Crib furniture is in and looks great! I'll post pictures once we get it arranged. Right now everything is kinda plopped in the middle of the room. The changing table for the top of the dresser was split, so they're getting us a new one. Otherwise, I love it! Ordered the Colgate Classica Mattress, which should arrive by Monday then we'll be all set to go.

Here's my 27 week belly...enjoy!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Splash of Color

It is weird to see color on the walls because our whole house is neutral and we haven't painted anything yet. I think the color looks good in the nursery. It is Sherwin Williams "hazel". Kind of a darker mint color. The more I look at it, the more I like it.

The furniture is being delivered at 7 am tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see the room once we put furniture in it. Have to buy a mattress for the crib, then I can get it all put together. Here is a before and after picture. We are having someone come and paint some murals on the top portion of the wall in the upcoming months.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Red, White and Boom!

The title was chosen for the 4th of July, and my ever larger growing belly.....hehe!

I took my 26 week belly pictures last Wednesday and then never posted it. Better late than never I guess, and a new one will be here in only a few short days. I'm still feeling really good, but have had the urge to pee a lot more over the last week. There have a been a few nights that she's kept me from falling asleep cause she is doing somersaults in my belly. It's weird to see her shift from one side to the other, but reassuring that she's moving a lot.

Hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend. Mine was once again very busy. My sister and Nick came to town. We went and saw Wall-E on Thursday night, very cute. On the 4th we got up and had breakfast at the club, it was a dreary, rainy holiday. Had to do some stuff in Cincinnati on Saturday, then, since i'm super wife, I drove up to Dayton to meet my husband at our friends Shaun and Alison's 4th of July party. It was a long, and tiring day. Finished up by lunch and seeing Hancock with our friend Mike on Sunday, then Matt's family all came to our house to grill out last night. Whew, exhausting to even write it all out really.

Today is painting day. I have to go tape off the room and trim the edges. If i'm really frisky i'll go ahead and paint without Matt, but we'll see. I'll be sure to take a before and after picture. Since the furniture is in, I want to get it painted so it's all done and they can get everything set up in that room. Hopefully i'll have pics to post tomorrow.

Hope your Monday is sunny and cheerful!