Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Not only do I hope to be an amazing mother, but I have been blessed to have the most amazing mother.

That is why it breaks my heart that she has to go through this. We got the unfortunate news upon returning from vacation that they had found spots of cancer on her lung and under the breast muscle. She went in for surgery to remove the spot on the lung on Monday, May 19th. The spot they had seen in the scan was actually scar tissue, but rather she had microscopic vascular spread of cancer cells throughout the whole lung. Obviously not the news any of us were hoping for. The surgery required them cutting open her rib (extremely painful), so she was in the hospital recovering for 4 days before being allowed home.

There have been many tears, fears, and every emotion possible over the last two weeks. Of course she is the most amazingly strong woman, she just wants to get healthy and beat this. She will start chemo the first week of June. Once treatment begins, they monitor her cell markers and we will not know how it effects the cancer cells.

Please keep my mom, and all of our family in your thoughts in prayers over the summer. It will be a trying time for everyone, and we do what we can to stay positive and optimistic. There are way too many great memories to come so we appreciate all the prayers we can get! We WILL beat this again.

1 comment:

Katie said...

You WILL beat this again. Knowing your mom....one of the most amazing women out there....she will fight and fight and fight! I will keep everyone in our prayers. This is one of those times that will bring your family closer together and remind you of what is truely important, your love for each other. HUGS and love to you all.