Thursday, June 12, 2008


My parents came down to Cincinnati yesterday to look at cribs. I can tell the difference between a sturdy crib and a cheap one, but I still have NO idea what I want. Of course the most gorgeous set they have is the most insanely expensive. And my second favorite had a recall on it in December 2007....can't be a good thing!! So we are back at square 1, which is, I have no idea what I want. Guess I need to drag Matt into the misery and have him help me decide.
On a brighter note, had an interview today. It was more of a screening process than anything. They told me about the company and what all the position entailed. The next step is to pass an assessment test, then if I clear that I'd have to take an SPQ test. Geesh, not nerve wracking at all. I was the 65th person he had met with and they figure after the tests they'll narrow it down to 4 people for a second interview. Keep your fingers crossed I can meet the test requirements of what they are looking for.

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