Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It says what!!!

Since we've decided not to tell anyone, this is my only outlet at this time to explain all the emotions and crazy things going on in our life. I still don't get how I go from crying one night because I think it will be hard to get pregnant, to the next day being pregnant.

Background: Since I went off the pill after the wedding, my cycles have been anything but normal. I've tried keeping track of them so I had an idea of what was going on with my body. Since December not much has been happening and after talking with my dad we figured it was because I wasn't ovulating. He mentioned that I'd probably have to take Clomid to ovulate and get things going. After he told me that I spent a week feeling horrible and like something was wrong with me. I got very emotional and on February 1st finally broke down to Matt about how I was afraid I couldn't get pregnant.

Leading up to February 2nd: The next morning I just felt like something wasn't right. I was very emotional, bloated, and just felt kinda sick to my stomach. I wasn't sure if it was from going out the night before, or otherwise. So that afternoon I told Matt I was going to take a test. I did, and a faint but very obvious second line appeared. UH- heart sinks- HUH?
"Matt, um, I think I'm pregnant."
This was followed by many- "that's not a second line, we'll go buy some more". We spent the afternoon looking at houses and were a little dumbfounded. I went from thinking I couldn't get pregnant to being pregnant in less than 12 hours. That's a weird feeling!! After holding in my pee for 4 hours we bought 2 more tests, which both quickly screamed positive.

I called and told my dad the next morning. He was actually excited and for the first time I felt excited and happy. He highly suggested we not tell anyone until we get through the first trimester. Me keep that big of a secret, aaaah, not easy. But here I am over 2 weeks later resorting to writing it all down. I can do this:)

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