Wednesday, February 13, 2008


We are definitely having a baby! Had our first appointment at my dad's office for an ultrasound this morning. Kay confirmed that I am definitely pregnant and the baby is measuring 5 weeks 6 days. So I will be 6 weeks tomorrow, on Valentine's Day! That puts my due date at October 9th, 2008. We're having a Fall baby!

Matt was a bit freaked out by the whole experience. Being that he has no sisters and NO knowledge of what goes on at the gynecologist he was weirded out that I had to sit there with no pants on. Haha! It finally felt real to him, and he's excited about what is to come. We even got to hear a few faint flutters of the heartbeat, but it's very early and not easily recognized.

Here is the first picture of the peanut (more like a piece of rice). Mostly just a sac of fluid at this point but it's still exciting!! Kay even put a little message on it for our mom's.

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