And by rough, I don't mean the baby......
If you look at a checklist of what behaviors your toddler child "may" exhibit after bringing a new baby home, I could check off the whole list. I get that my lap had belonged to Austin, and he is very attached to me (and my hair), but didn't expect the anger.
(Learning to share mommy, and love Alexis)
Mommy certainly is taking lots of deep breaths, and thankful that daddy was off work for a week. And, why is it that toddlers don't have to pee till the minute you sit down to nurse a baby. Glad I am skilled one handed helper/nurser.
Thankful many of our visitors brought presents for the "big" kids too. Keeps the older two excited even though focus is on the baby. Alexis by the way, is a Saint! I have been sent a baby angel. She sleeps 3 hours, nurses, then right back to sleep......all day long. This girl probably sleeps 22 hours a day. I'd be worried something is wrong, but Austin was similar, so i'm just enjoying it. We've had tons of snuggle time, it's awesome. My favorite time of the day is when I sit down for 20 minutes to nurse. It's just "our" time and it forces me to slow down, i LOVE it!
Ashlyn on the other hand CAN NOT get enough of her baby sister. She is soooo proud to have a new little girl in the house, and wants to help out as much as possible. She's had her fair share of tears and fighting with Austin too, but mostly it's over who gets to sit next to the baby or mommy while she nurses.
Sisterly Love
First time holding his baby sister at home
My 3 little monkies
I forgot how small they are.
Lots of love from her cousins
Alexis is sure to love Uncle Larry as much as her siblings
Helping mommy burp the baby
Rocking Alexis while we get ready for school
Entertaining Alexis with silly faces
Helping put in her paci
My teeny tiny monkey #3
My helpers for the first bath
Sleeping, again!
Sunbathing to help with the jaundice
My new reality, and it's certainly a challenge. But one that I am happily ready to tackle!
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