Am finally over the hump of feeling nauseous and tired, so it's time to have fun. Now that I feel good, I have made it my mission to go to the gym every Monday when both kids are in school. I am and will stick with it. Feels so good to run on the treadmill, and release tension. I usually get 3 miles in, and then do some arm exercises. Luckily I don't look pregnant enough to get many side eye looks at the gym just yet. The kids have named the baby "Cookie". Anytime they refer to my belly or the baby they call baby B, cookie, kinda cute. Wonder if it'll stick once Baby B #3 comes out.
Early October Bump
Late October Bump
Ashlyn's 4 Year Preschool Photo
And the weekends are filling up with fun activities like Bengals games and hayrides. This time of year makes me so happy, sunny days, cool nights, light jackets, crisp apples, pumpkin carving, school parties, zoo visits, and Halloween.
Pretty in Pink (Pinkalicious)
Pumpkinfest Field Trip
School Field Trip
Picking pumpkins with daddy
"Cookie" got a very bumpy ride through the mud
Pumpkin Patch Fun at Windmill Farms
Yearly growth picture
Rooting for the tigers while making crafts
L&L Railroad trip
Mastering the corn maze
Helping daddy carve a pumpkin
Hello Kitty Pumpkin that daddy free handed, impressive!!
My little Monsters!
Book Bums Halloween party with friends
A very warm night game
Hall - ZOO - ween
Dorothy at her school Halloween party
Austin's school Halloween party
And of course it wouldn't be October without Halloween. Ashlyn got a bride costume for her birthday, so she decided she'd like to be a bride for Halloween. Sweet, no added cost of a costume for me, done! Now, what to dress Austin up as? Every bride needs a groom of course. I know.... I really did it... It's a bit crazy. I made my kids, brother and sister, a bride and groom. It was sooo cute and will only work at this stage in life, so why not?!?! Cutest bride and groom i've EVER had for sure. And Austin in his little tuxedo (borrowed from Lisa) was a huge hit.
Ashlyn checking out her curly hair for her veil
TOO DARN CUTE! (even in the freezing cold)
Trick or Treat
And a bonus visit from the fire truck
I FALL more and more in love with my kids, and life, everyday!
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