Summer tried to make an early appearance back in March, but now that school is out and the summer wardrobe is set, it is OFFICIALLY Summer! We seem to always be on the go. The pictures show it all, always something to do!
Sporting their Shades on a walk
Dance party with Caroline & Snoopy at Kings Island
Reds game with Ashlyn's Blast Ball team
Shaving cream fun with friends
A new way to explore the sand/water table
About to head to Ashlyn's game
Watching the giraffes, one of our favorites
Naked painting (cause mommy is uptight) our Father's Day presents
Father's Day morning snuggles
Running through the sprinkler
Enjoying flavor ice
Smiles and Laughs on their favorite KI ride
Watching KI fireworks with the cousins
Wet hugs at the water park with papa
Father's Day dinner with all the (goofy) cousins
Baby pool (hot tub) on a 100 degree day
Homemade play dough fun on the deck
Relaxing and looking for shapes in the clouds
MORE Flavor ice
Learning new skills at the Touch a Truck event
Eating corn on the cob
Slip and slide fun at a Benham family picnic
Creeking with friends at Keehner Park
Getting blond and tan from all the outdoor fun
Learning to putt the golf ball
Our first trip to the putt putt course
It all seems stereotypical of an All American summer. Corn on the cob, sprinklers, swimming, flavor ice, Kings Island, and SO much more. Hoping we are making amazing memories that the kids will look forward to for many years. Who doesn't LOVE summer?!?!?!
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