Wednesday, July 18, 2012

First boat ride and my water bug

Wouldn't be summer if we weren't surrounded by water.  Last summer we didn't get to venture out on Matt's parents boat at all, so it is fun to get back out on the water and let the kids experience the fun!

Austin wasn't quite sure of the whole thing in the beginning. The life jacket was up around his neck, and the wind was wiping his face.  He kept saying "Go mommy, Back mommy". We did have a few tears! Once we got anchored and settled into a cove it all got much better. We put on a bigger vest, he warmed up to getting in the water, even sitting in the tube, and by the ride back he was much more content. Baby steps!!!
Maybe is was the Pink Vest making him Mad!

Ashlyn on the other hand was begging to get in the water from the beginning.  She wanted to ride the tube with daddy as soon as we left the dock.  Once on they got out on the tube, she was a bit more hesitant and wanted to go slow, but overall loved it. And when we got settled she was in the water for nearly 2 hours.  We can't wait to get out and do it again.

First time on the tube with daddy!

Enjoying the ride

Cooling off in the water

 Totally Tubular:)

As far as the water goes, I have a very confident and eager swimmer in Ashlyn.  We decided to do some swim lessons, and after the first lesson she was diving down for dive sticks and holding her breath for long stretches underwater.  I'm sure part of this was mommies fear in taking off the vest sooner and letting her try.  But i'm thrilled to see her excel, and know she is confident and a GREAT swimmer without the vest on.  I am very proud of her....and she is equally proud of herself.  Now if only we could instill the fear in her that she ISN'T an olympic swimmer. The girl will dive into the deep end like she totally knows how to swim. And although i have faith she will be ok, and can make it to the edge, the water is still a very scary thing as a parent.

At the neighborhood Pool

Diving down for divesticks

Superstar swimmer

Proud of her accomplishments

Monday, July 2, 2012

Fun = Summer

Summer tried to make an early appearance back in March, but now that school is out and the summer wardrobe is set, it is OFFICIALLY Summer!  We seem to always be on the go. The pictures show it all, always something to do!
Sporting their Shades on a walk

Dance party with Caroline & Snoopy at Kings Island

Reds game with Ashlyn's Blast Ball team

Shaving cream fun with friends

A new way to explore the sand/water table

About to head to Ashlyn's game

Watching the giraffes, one of our favorites

Naked painting (cause mommy is uptight) our Father's Day presents

Father's Day morning snuggles

Running through the sprinkler

Enjoying flavor ice

Smiles and Laughs on their favorite KI ride

Watching KI fireworks with the cousins

Wet hugs at the water park with papa

Father's Day dinner with all the (goofy) cousins

Baby pool (hot tub) on a 100 degree day

Homemade play dough fun on the deck

Relaxing and looking for shapes in the clouds

MORE Flavor ice

Learning new skills at the Touch a Truck event

Eating corn on the cob

Slip and slide fun at a Benham family picnic

Creeking with friends at Keehner Park

Getting blond and tan from all the outdoor fun

Learning to putt the golf ball

Our first trip to the putt putt course

It all seems stereotypical of an All American summer. Corn on the cob, sprinklers, swimming, flavor ice, Kings Island, and SO much more.  Hoping we are making amazing memories that the kids will look forward to for many years. Who doesn't LOVE summer?!?!?!