Hard to believe we started off the month with 61 degree weather. Mild winter is an understatement, we aren't even wearing coats. Makes for one happy stay at home momma though since we get to be outside enjoying the weather and keeping busy. Use to dread winter, but so far this year, can't say it's been all that bad. Certainly miss a thick white snowfall though, and i wouldn't mind putting the kids snow boots and pants to use (thank god we got hand me downs and didn't invest in any).
We had a free weekend, so hopped in the van and headed to Chicago to visit Ashley and Nick. Unfortunately the trip started with a pukey wake up call for me 2 hours after arriving. Ashlyn had a throw up bug 2 days before, which made it's way to me. Luckily it only lasted 12 hours for both of us, but was horrible either way!!! We spent the rest of the weekend dancing on the Kinect, eating yummy pizza, battling crowds at the children's museum, and enjoying the company of family. Nice that it's close enough for a weekend trip!
Looks like Austin is following in his big sisters footsteps.....both in language and skills. He is trying hard to sing his ABC's (at least the first 5 letters are understandable, then it's more a tune). He has also shown interest in going on the potty, which Ashlyn also did around 18 months. He'll go pee and try to push. I think he wants to hear the "pee pee in the potty" song more than anything, but i'll go with it. He also LOVES holding, pushing, and hugging Ashlyn's baby dolls. I love that having an older sister makes him more in tune with girly things, I think it's adorable and sweet.
As for Ashlyn, we are certainly having a napping dilemma these days. She still naps most everyday, but has her rare days of fighting it. What we are noticing is that she naps for 2 hours and then we can't get her to bed until like 9:30 at night. On the occasional days she does just read and sing in bed, at least she's exhausted and ready to go to sleep by 8:30. Hmm, every mommies nightmare.....do we give up naps?!?!?!
These days Ashlyn is coloring in the lines really well and making actual pictures. Every friday when we discuss getting dinner she chimes in by saying she wants egg drop soup or pizza. We have also started a new gymnastics class at 1:00 on Thursdays. It is a more advanced class with 4-5 year olds. She is doing well considering it is a full hour, and more structured. She has her moments, and gets off track at times but is working hard on her cartwheels and listening to the Miss Chelsea.
At the park on the first day of February
Checking out the monkey at the zoo with Caroline
Mr. smiley munching on his favorite snack of goldfish
My sweet Valentine showing off her preschool loot
Even with some tears from Austin, we shared our Valentine's love with friends
Our Valentine heart attack for daddy
Headed on a road trip to Chicago in Ducky's van
Uncle Nick practicing his Mr. Mom duties
Fun times at Uncle Nick and Aunt Ashes house
"Pee Pee in the Potty" with help from big sis
Easily entertained by anything ball related
A new skill, maybe?
Our favorite weekend hangout, Mimi and Papa's
Who couldn't love this face.... fishy face adorable!!