Monday, March 12, 2012

Jovial January

Happy New Year! Crazy we have already jumped into 2012 full swing. It was a low key New Years. Went to Dewey's for pizza with the kids, and then got crazy with Graeter's ice cream as a special treat. Matt and I stayed up and watched the ball drop then hit the bed. Man, getting old is unexciting!

With the weather being warmer than normal we have been out and about more than you'd expect for January. Am thankful for Pinterest, which has kept up busy by giving me fun new craft ideas, recipes, and cute snacks to take in to Ashlyn's preschool. Here is an update on us:

Austin: Poor kid has been getting horrible teething blisters. I'd say he has the worst luck of teething ever. Not only does it have him up at night (which means ending up in my bed), but almost every one of his teeth have had a hematoma which looks like a nasty bloody blister on his gums. Ouch, ouch ouch! He keeps us laughing always.....his new things is to sing "Ooh ooh oh oh oh" (tune from back street boys). I'll start the tune and he finishes it, hilarious! He has also started hitting Ashlyn, can't say I blame him with how much she picks on him, but it's still a bad habit we are trying to nip. And the most random habit (or seems like a comfort to him) is that he sticks my hair in his ear. Instead of just playing with my hair like normal, he'll grab the end and flick his ear with it and stick it in his ear. I don't even try to understand, it just seems to soothe him.

Ashlyn: I had her first teacher conference at preschool. Miss Paula told me that Ashlyn is very bright, and advanced for her age. She said she is really good with her hands (which they told me at her 9 month motor skills assessment....which i guess was accurate). She's impressed how well she writes her name, her memory, and speech. I thought she was smart, but it's nice to hear it from an outsider, and someone who's around kids her age. Matt and I took her to her first trip to the movie theater. They re-released Beauty and the Beast in 3D, one of the few movies she can sit through, so we thought she'd love it. Although she did ok, she did ask to go home about 10 times. Guess we'll wait awhile before doing the movie thing again.

Funny comments by Ashlyn: We've been talking about if we should have a 3rd Ashlyn says. "We'd have to put Austin in the trash, so we can make room for a new baby." Oh, the mind of a 3 year old. She is calling us Mom/Dad, which just sounds too mature to me. I want to be mommy and daddy. And one of her favorite phrases is... "You have got to be kidding me, MOM!"

I got a rare night on the town. My girlfriend Molly invited me to join her and some friends on a Party Bus! We hung out with all of Molly's teacher friends, took the bus around to the bars, and then crashed on her friends couch. Needless to say, I was yawning at midnight (at the bar), felt super old and my clothes looked outta style, and crashing on a couch was cold and uncomfortable. I think i like my mommy lifestyle a lot more these days. While it was fun for a night, i'm ok with not doing it again anytime soon.

My little Buckeyes

100% boy, riding his toy around the house

Our Pinterest snack we made for Ashlyn's preschool class

My little chef making pizza for dinner

Sharing a drink before bed

Sharing a chat during bath

Playing nice before lunch

Our first snowfall, barely covered the grass but the kids were Super excited!

Daddy and Ashlyn making monster train tracks

Ashlyn's 1st 3D Movie, Beauty and the Beast

Indoor fun, and flips in the toy room

Austin is 16 months old already

Officially in a big boy seat at the table

Eating all by himself (poor guy is in a girls bib)

The wrath of Ashlyn, bit and bruised his arm

Playing not so nice

She thinks it is funny to take his things and not share

Visiting the Dinosaurs in Dayton with Ducky and Jill

Dino Kisses

Looking like a heart throb, and checking in with daddy

Wish I could freeze time! I want my little ones to stop getting so big.

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