After what feels like 2 months of teething, little man's bottom 2 teeth popped through. Teething seemed to bother him more than Ashlyn. Pain, grabbing at his mouth, and even little blisters on his gums. So glad they have finally come out! Certainly am not looking forward to the next set.
Started off the wedding season with a wedding first for me. We did an Indian ceremony in the morning, a luncheon, and then turned the room over for a christian ceremony and reception that night. It was a really neat cultural experience, loved everything about it! And the long awaited Royal Wedding lived up to expectations. I didn't wake up at 4am to watch it live, but did record it. Kate looked gorgeous, very Grace Kelly. I would have liked to see a more dramatic train and longer veil, but overall thought she was stunning. Pippa certainly left her mark on the world too, poised and beautiful in a slim and sleek white gown.
Last but not least, another birthday has come and gone! I am officially 31 years young. We had a birthday celebration with matt's family on Easter day. For some reason my birthday is one of the days i miss my mom the most. She always made sure our birthdays were really special, so i miss her presence on that day. Day started with singing and birthday card from Ashlyn, My mother in law came down and took the kids to the Children's museum, then we went to lunch, I killed a few hours at a playdate with my girlfriend Amanda that evening , and then Matt brought home Ruby Tuesday turkey burgers and a candy cake (darn daily allergy). He spoiled me with a gift card for a massage, gave me a foot massage, and bought me a dress from Nordstrom (very impressive"). Followed by a day full of phone calls, text messages, and facebooks birthday wishes. Needless to say, I felt loved, spoiled, and happy all day long.
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