Monday, April 4, 2011

Brighter Skies

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. ~Thomas Campbell

The sky got a little brighter last week when Matt's grandma, Evelyn Bayer, went to be with the Lord. She was such a dynamic lady, and it was a honor that I got to spend a little time with her over the last 6 years. At her funeral, they spoke of her candy jar that was always out and full of M&M's for guests and family to enjoy. Just like her home and her heart! She raised 5 amazing kids, who went on to raise their own wonderful famalies. I am blessed that both of my children got to spend a little time with their great grandma. They may not remember those visits, but hopefully her humor, and spirit will be pieces of them forever. God Bless you Grandma Bayer.

Ashlyn did not seem scared of confused by seeing her body at the funeral, since I wasn't sure how a 2 year old would take seeing a dead body. She kept saying, "great grandma died out, she's an angel now."

The funeral did however leave me with some very raw emotions. I was able to keep it together, but have been feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness since. I'm sure it doesn't help that we are just a week out from the anniversary of mom's passing. I keep reliving the day in my head, both the beauty and total sadness of the day she left us. It was extremely emotional when her spirit left her body. She told all of us she didn't want us to remember that moment, and I don't focus on it, but it's tough. I miss her terribly! I miss her calming presence, our daily talks, her words of advice, I MISS MY MOM!

The only positive is that Grandma Bayer has some pretty awesome company up in heaven.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Wonderful post. Love you.