My little monkey hit his 6 month mark this week. He is weighing in at 18 lbs 7 oz, putting him in the 65%. And was 26 inches long, putting him on the lower end at 35%. We've made it through all of our veggies with no issues, and are about done with fruits. He's learning the art of holding a sippy cup, and not spitting it all out when the water flows out quickly. Sleep is pretty consistent during the day, with 2 good naps, but very unconsistent at night. We have 3-4 nights of sleeping about 11 hours straight, and then a few nights of waking up once or twice. Last night we were up about 5 times, which makes mommmy very very tired! His gums are puffy and Dr. said they'll pop through anytime. COME on teeth, seriously, COME on!
Austin is doing, or mastering, all the things he should accomplish between the 6-9 month mark so he is well on target. We are still a little unsteady side to side, but he'll certainly be sitting up on his own any day now. Overall, a chill, easy going little boy.
Ashlyn is going a little bit stir crazy, testing authority, struggling a bit with the time change, and wanting to do EVERYthing by herself. It can be frustrating at times, but doing my best to stay patient and understand this too is a phase, and she has to learn independence. Mommy would rather she not spill big girl cups of milk all down her shirt, watch her make a huge mess while making her own lunch, bite my tongue while she slams doors after letting the dog in the house, and I try to not talk back when she bosses mommy and daddy around. Oh the joys of a toddler!
I am looking forward to this warm Spring weather creeping up on us, and letting my very independent little girl explore outdoors and run on the playground.....instead of running my house! In the meantime, a few things we've done to help keep occupied and out of trouble.
Helping Daddy Tighten Drawer Handles
Playing dress up with Cole at Boonshoft
Obsessed with Grocery Shopping
Making sure Mr. Snowman is watered daily
Painting Daddy Smiley Face Pictures
Making Marshmallow Towers
Stretching for Gymnastics (Jane Fonda Style)
1 comment:
That last picture is AWESOME!!!!!!!! I love how Austin is 65th percentile in weight, nice job buddy and Ashlyn is such a sweet big sis!
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