Thursday, December 16, 2010

Milestones and Speedbumps

Our little guy is already 3 months old. I remember the first 3 months with Ashlyn feeling like eternity, but they've flown by before my eyes with Austin. We seem to be hitting all the regular milestones for 3 months. He is starting to grab for things on his playmat, laughing out loud now, and even Rolled Over this week. Of course he did it when mommy was out to dinner with girlfriends, so i've only seen him roll to his side. His personality is slowly making an appearance and I love it, can't wait for him to be more interactive with us.

On a not as exciting note, we hit a slight speedbump with Austin. He had small specks of blood in his stool for the past 2 weeks, and then Monday I noticed a lot of blood. I called the Dr., and after taking him and his diaper in, they determined he most likely has a Milk Allergy. Honestly, this was always one of my biggest fears, because I am a milkaholic. I probably drink a gallon of milk by myself within a few days. Needless to say, i want to keep nursing, and my child takes absolute first priority-so I am now Dairy Free! Talk about hard, never realized how many foods dairy is in. No more pizza, cookies, yogurt, bowls of cereal or ice cold glass of milk, and much much much more.

Took a somewhat hectic visit to see the lights at the Cincinnati zoo. Ashlyn seemed to enjoy it, but it was cold, super crowded, and traffic was horrible. Tried to keep in the holiday spirit, but it was rough!

We've also had our first big snow of the season. Ashlyn loved eating it and making snowballs with daddy. Wearing last years, way too small, snow boots and pants didn't seem to faze her.

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