Dear Patience:
-I understand that 1)I am a mother of a Toddler and Newborn, 2)I am the offspring of one of the most patient people I'd ever met, my mother, so i'm hard on myself and 3)I am a little tired, BUT, can you seriously cut me a break.
-I was told that my daughter would show some regression in potty training, and probably act out once Austin arrived. Little did I know that it would rear it's head 5 weeks after he was born. I'm trying to explain nicely why we don't throw our toys and Austin's stuff, am taking deep breaths while she laughs at me during "time out", trying to understand that she is peeing her pants intentionally to get my attention, and doing my best to ignore the massive amount of tantrums that have begun. All the time feeling a bit defeated and wondering where my sweet little Ashlyn went. Can you bring her back?!?!?!
-I know Austin is the easiest baby ever, and I could be much more sleep deprived having a 5 week old. BUT, how do I deal with the guilt of not having any time to talk to him about the animals and colors on his playmat, and do tummy time. I used to drop what I was doing the second my newborn cried, now I yell across the room....just a minute Austin, I'm almost done Austin.
-It's only been 5 weeks, of course my regular clothes shouldn't fit. BUT, they did at this point after Ashlyn. I was at pre pregnancy weight by my 6 week post partum visit, this time I have 8 pounds to lose. I know I look great, I'm 30 now, and it's my second child, but help me deal with the pressure I put on myself to get back to MY old body.
-So patience if you could please help me keep my cool and try to teach Ashlyn right and wrong in a calm and loving manner, make sure my second child feels as loved and important as the rest of my family, and that I am perfect just the way I am, that would be great!
Austin had his 1 month appointment last week. It feels like he has been a part of our family for so much longer now, but I can't beleive he's already a month old. My little boy... is not so little. He is weighing in at 11 lbs 2 oz. and his height is 21 3/4 inches long. Making him 80th percentile for weight and 60th for height. He got a Staph Infection on his skin two weeks ago, but everything is cleared up and he checked out perfectly. Still sleeping very well and we even had our first smile today. He melts my heart!
My Chunky Monkey
Ashlyn enjoyed HallZOOween with Aunt Sarah last weekend, and loved dressing up and saying Trick or Treat for candy. Halloween should be fun this year. The girls hair is finally starting to grow grow cut the bangs or not, that is the question!
What am I coloring Mama: I can't see it!
Your post brought tears to my eyes because I can completely identify! Having two is definitely trying and I know I spent many nights crying over how "neglected" Sutton was but I promise you that he isn't neglected and if anything it will give him a stronger personality and help make him a little more independent. I know it sure did with Sutton. And you know what, she isn't any less of a happy child than Morgan. You are doing great...just hang in there. And on those days where you think you've had enough...well, just think of us and the chaos that we are about to enter when we have 3 under 3!! =)
I've been there, and I'll say that it got a lot easier once my youngest was old enough to interact with his sister. Once you see them together and realize how much they love each other, everything else is forgotten.
Linds.....ahhhh, I remember those days (well actually I think I blocked them out!). I agree with Josie that Austin will be independent due to being #2 behind such a close in age sister. Samantha certainly is. And what REALLY matters to them is not the animals on the playmat, it is that they are being loved 24/7 even if you are yelling "one more minute" he knows his mama loves him, he is safe and he will be happy! You are amazing and yes, were rasied by an amazing mother but guess what, you are JUST like her in all those fabulously loving ways. I just wish she was here to enjoy the fruits of her labor, watching you be the same kind of loving mother she was. Oh and look BETTER than amazing and the simple fact you grew two incrediable babies in that body is worth 8 or even 20 additional pounds. Once those hormones wear off a bit, you will realize that. HUS and much LOVE!
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