Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daddy's Favorite

We celebrated Matt's 2nd Father's Day, and his last as a dad with only one child. We sent him to the Red's game the weekend before with all of his friends for a daddy's day out. Unfortunatly it was a super hot day and the Red's lost,but it was his first time going to a game this year so it was appreciated. Not sure how ready daddy is for life with 2, but he has been nothing short of amazing being a dad to 1 little girl! Ashlyn adores him, loves helping him get ready for work in the morning, rides on his back, points out every car she sees that looks like daddy's, ect.

I think Dad's with their daughters is the cutest, sweetest thing ever! Happy Father's Day Matt!

Last Summer

This Summer

Ashlyn is 21 Months today. Scary to think how close she is to turning 2, which means #2 is also not too far from joining the family. WHERE does the time go?!??!?! Here she is hanging out in Mommy and Daddy's bed this morning, and being a "Big Girl" sitting at the bar.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What a Challenge....

It is being a mother sometimes. As if we aren't hard enough on ourselves and the choices we make as parents, we are always under the scrutiny of outsiders looking in. What our kids eat, how we discipline, the way they act in public.

So it is very hard for me right now that a new side of Ashlyn has started to emerge. She thinks it's funny to hit mommy in the face, she laughs at me when i discipline her, tries to smack the dog, has to do everything her way, and she specifically does things when I tell her no (ex. looking right at me and throwing food across the table after being to stop), ect. I know they hit an age where they start becoming more independent and testing the boundaries, but wow this is tough!

So please don't judge me if she isn't perfect on a trip to the grocery store, at a restaurant, or even in her own home. Mommy is having a hard time finding a balance of teaching right and wrong and staying patient through it all. (Sighs)

If only she weren't so darn cute!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

25 Weeks.....Then and Now

Ok, so it is confirmed. I am a house compared to my last pregnancy. Not sure if it is because my body was tighter and toner then, or I'm just having a huge baby! EEEK! I just tortured myself by looking back at my baby bump pictures from Ashlyn. Dare I say I look 33 weeks pregnant at 25 1/2 weeks right now. OMG: Officially depressed

25 Weeks Pregnant with Ashlyn

33 Weeks Pregnant with Ashlyn
Right now at 25 1/2 weeks

On a happier note: Happy 3rd Anniversary to my amazing and wonderful husband. May we have 50+ more years of great memories. I love you!

I give you this ring as a sign of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Older Woman

I am no longer the older woman. Matt hit the Big 3-0 on the 30th. We had a great memorial weekend celebrating. Got an adult night out with Matt's family. Went to Montgomery Inn Boathouse and we had some amazing ribs and BBQ sandwich. Then Matt had a fun night out on the town with his friends.

The rest of the weekend was spent, well.......doing nothing. Can't imagine Matt would have wanted it any other way. We lounged around, got some housework done, and hung out together and with family. Ashlyn was having some really good ride on daddy smiles and laughs, and started off the day with a big "Happy Birthday Daddy" said perfectly! Sounds like a pretty perfect 30th birthday to me!

Otherwise we are enjoying the pool, feeding the ducks at the pond, eating fresh fruit, sundresses, tank tops, and the hot summer air! Oh how life will change when #2 comes along.