Thursday, December 16, 2010

Milestones and Speedbumps

Our little guy is already 3 months old. I remember the first 3 months with Ashlyn feeling like eternity, but they've flown by before my eyes with Austin. We seem to be hitting all the regular milestones for 3 months. He is starting to grab for things on his playmat, laughing out loud now, and even Rolled Over this week. Of course he did it when mommy was out to dinner with girlfriends, so i've only seen him roll to his side. His personality is slowly making an appearance and I love it, can't wait for him to be more interactive with us.

On a not as exciting note, we hit a slight speedbump with Austin. He had small specks of blood in his stool for the past 2 weeks, and then Monday I noticed a lot of blood. I called the Dr., and after taking him and his diaper in, they determined he most likely has a Milk Allergy. Honestly, this was always one of my biggest fears, because I am a milkaholic. I probably drink a gallon of milk by myself within a few days. Needless to say, i want to keep nursing, and my child takes absolute first priority-so I am now Dairy Free! Talk about hard, never realized how many foods dairy is in. No more pizza, cookies, yogurt, bowls of cereal or ice cold glass of milk, and much much much more.

Took a somewhat hectic visit to see the lights at the Cincinnati zoo. Ashlyn seemed to enjoy it, but it was cold, super crowded, and traffic was horrible. Tried to keep in the holiday spirit, but it was rough!

We've also had our first big snow of the season. Ashlyn loved eating it and making snowballs with daddy. Wearing last years, way too small, snow boots and pants didn't seem to faze her.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Look Away

You look away for one second and your kids grow up on you. Austin is laughing out loud, sleeping 10 hours a night, and found his hands. While Ashlyn is singing nursery rhymes and christmas carols perfectly, recognizing letters and numbers, and acting like a little girl and not a toddler. I'm afraid to look away for too long, my babies are getting so big!

Ashlyn Pumping like Mommy

Austin being a Charmer

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In a Nutshell....

Life certainly moves too quickly sometimes. So here is a quick update on what highs and low we've had the past few weeks.


It was my first Thanksgiving not spending it with my family. Was tough, and different, but we had a great day with Matt's family. Several of my siblings were in town, so we did a mexican dinner the night before thanksgiving. I was "Thankful" for that time, but it still felt different and a bit sad:( I'm voting to go back to NYC next year!

I was going to do a whole post on the things i'm thankful this year. And while family and health are always on the list, it's the little things that truly make me happy right now.

So in a nutshell, i'm thankful for:
  • The Saturday mornings all 4 of us all lay in bed together
  • The sweet hugs and "i love you mommy" i get from Ashlyn
  • Austin sleeping 9-10 hours each night
  • The ability to be home everyday with my children
  • My husband who comes home from a stressful day at work and is hands on with the kids
  • My friends who call regularily and let me complain or cry about whatever
  • My clothes, which are starting to fit more normal:)

Thanksgiving Day

On a less exciting note, we've been fighting all sorts of sicknesses. In a nutshell:

  • We had a little scare that Ashlyn might need testing for diabetes. We were having trouble keeping her awake one morning, she was so out of it, until we gave her apple juice and she was fine. Turned out to just be the beginning of a yucky virus
  • We've had a NASTY cough for about 2 weeks now
  • Ashlyn slept or laid on me through Thanksgiving, and had a high fever all evening
  • Ashlyn got a throw up stomach bug the Sunday after Thanksgiving....our first ever...not fun!
  • Cranky and her fever spiked off and on all the next week so they finally put her on an antiobiotic to beat the gunk.
  • Luckily Austin has made it through without a sniffle or cough!!!
My "Little" Guy, Happy and Healthy

And in a nutshell we've:

  • Visited the Children's museum in Dayton
  • Got all the Christmas shopping done, thanks to Cyber Monday and outlet shopping
  • Decorated the house
  • Had a cookie swap party, that 40 of my internet friends attended, random "YES"
  • Been to all the Bengals game, despite the depression that follows watching them play!
  • Gone to see Christmas lights
  • Gotten several inches of snow
At the Children's Museum with our Cousin Molly

Proudly Placing the First ornament on the Tree

Who's ready for some Christmas music and a glass of wine?!?!?! (Raising my hand!)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lots of Firsts

We've been busy the past few weeks. Lots of firsts around our house, makes life a little more exciting when we new things.

Went to see Mickey Mouse's Magic Show (a disaster with a hungry newborn and impatient 2 year old)

Visit with GREAT Grandma Bayer in Dayton

Ashlyn is loving, and adorable, with Pig Tails

Getting our winter Gear ready as it gets burrrr.....Cold!

Austin is in his own room and Sleeping 6 hour stretches

Was 70 degrees in November so we went to the Zoo with our second cousin Cole and rode on the Carousel (scared but smiled)

First Family of 4 road trip. Went to visit Aunt Ashes and Uncle Nick (live outside Chicago). We spent Saturday in the city at the Children's Museum.

*Time Change Exhaustion*

Austin's 2 Month Check Up:

I knew I had a little chunky monkey on my hands, but I had to laugh when I heard he was in the 95th percentile for his weight. I feed him on demand, usually about every 3-4 hours, guess my breast milk is full of calories:) Dr. wasn't concerned, just said he was a healthy boy and eater. Otherwise he was 50th percentile for height, and 25th for head. I somehow produce chubby, small headed babies. Ha ha! Everything else checked out perfectly, and they pumped him full of vaccines---boo! Hopefully we won't be back again till we hit his 4 month mark.

Otherwise he is still pretty much doing what he always does. SLEEPS! I honestly don't think he's awake more than several hours thorughout an entire day. I'm going to have a child that sleeps through kindergarten at this rate. When awake he is super smiley and interactive, he's a cute chunky monkey!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A HAPPY Halloween

Not sure if it's all the sugar around here, but we've had lots of happy smiles lately. Smiling has a natural way of making your day brighter....we should all smile a little more often.

*Can't help but chuckle when my naked toddler takes off her clothes for bath and instantly breaks away from the bathroom to do the "naked baby run".

*Or get super smiley when Ashlyn gets so proud of herself after singing her ABC's.

*Feel happy and smile while going on a hunt to see the moon every night once it's dark out.

*And if these big grins don't make you smile......not sure what will!

We had so much fun taking Ashlyn out for her first Trick or Treating adventure. For weeks she was telling people how she was going to be a "Muunkey" for Halloween, and practiced saying Trick or Treat. She was super duper excited when she saw the kids outside the neighborhood in costumes and was ready to go. Ashlyn lasted about an hour, got to get candy from the ambulance, and was polite and adorable at each door she went up to. Austin slept the whole way of course. And I got lots of laughs at the monkey/banana duo. Needless to say, I think Halloween is a hit and we'll be even more excited next year.
My Little Monkey and Banana

Getting Candy from the Ambulance

Daddy pulling Ashlyn house to house in the wagon

Mommy carrying my little banana boy

Ashlyn was eating the banana

Standing proudly on the front steps with her bucket of candy

Mommy and Daddy even got to go celebrate Halloween with a couple hours out on Saturday night. We threw together our Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee costumes that day, I think we pulled it off pretty well. Halloween is my favorite holiday, so I was excited to get to celebrate a little bit and have a few hours baby free. Till next year!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Helping Hand

Stricking a pose!
Little Miss Dimples, is also quite the "Little Helper". She isn't one to want to hold Austin or spend too much time hanging out with him. But when it comes to helping me with Austin, or doing things around the house she jumps up to be of assistance. She is such a little mama in the making. It is super sweet and fun to watch.

Waving to the School Bus as it drops off the Neighbors.
The bus driver even knows her by name and yells out the window, "Hi Ashlyn"

Sitting on my lap helping me Pat and Burp Austin

Pulls up her stool, turns on the mobile and hands me diapers when Austin needs changed

Hold his hand or gets him a paci when he starts to cry and mommy can't pick him up

Hits the music buttons on the bouncy seat to "keep Austin sleeping"


On a warm and windy Sunday, a perfect little pumpkin was created. Not sure who was more excited to carve a pumpkin, Ashlyn or Daddy?!?! We picked out pumpkins with Mimi and Papa a couple weeks ago, and it was finally time to carve the pumpkin. Daddy made the face as Ashlyn requested, with trapezoid eyes, and even gave it eyelashes. She watched and waited patiently as daddy made pumpkin perfection. She is SO proud of her pumpkin, yelling out "there's my pumpkin" every time we pull in the driveway....and goes out to light it with daddy every single night. Who knew something so simple could make someone SO happy. We had a lot of fun cooking the pumpkin seeds also, although mommy burned them. Hopefully pumpkin #2 will be just as fun, and the pumpkin seeds will be way better.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Letter to Patience

Dear Patience:

-I understand that 1)I am a mother of a Toddler and Newborn, 2)I am the offspring of one of the most patient people I'd ever met, my mother, so i'm hard on myself and 3)I am a little tired, BUT, can you seriously cut me a break.
-I was told that my daughter would show some regression in potty training, and probably act out once Austin arrived. Little did I know that it would rear it's head 5 weeks after he was born. I'm trying to explain nicely why we don't throw our toys and Austin's stuff, am taking deep breaths while she laughs at me during "time out", trying to understand that she is peeing her pants intentionally to get my attention, and doing my best to ignore the massive amount of tantrums that have begun. All the time feeling a bit defeated and wondering where my sweet little Ashlyn went. Can you bring her back?!?!?!
-I know Austin is the easiest baby ever, and I could be much more sleep deprived having a 5 week old. BUT, how do I deal with the guilt of not having any time to talk to him about the animals and colors on his playmat, and do tummy time. I used to drop what I was doing the second my newborn cried, now I yell across the room....just a minute Austin, I'm almost done Austin.
-It's only been 5 weeks, of course my regular clothes shouldn't fit. BUT, they did at this point after Ashlyn. I was at pre pregnancy weight by my 6 week post partum visit, this time I have 8 pounds to lose. I know I look great, I'm 30 now, and it's my second child, but help me deal with the pressure I put on myself to get back to MY old body.
-So patience if you could please help me keep my cool and try to teach Ashlyn right and wrong in a calm and loving manner, make sure my second child feels as loved and important as the rest of my family, and that I am perfect just the way I am, that would be great!

Austin had his 1 month appointment last week. It feels like he has been a part of our family for so much longer now, but I can't beleive he's already a month old. My little boy... is not so little. He is weighing in at 11 lbs 2 oz. and his height is 21 3/4 inches long. Making him 80th percentile for weight and 60th for height. He got a Staph Infection on his skin two weeks ago, but everything is cleared up and he checked out perfectly. Still sleeping very well and we even had our first smile today. He melts my heart!

My Chunky Monkey

Ashlyn enjoyed HallZOOween with Aunt Sarah last weekend, and loved dressing up and saying Trick or Treat for candy. Halloween should be fun this year. The girls hair is finally starting to grow grow cut the bangs or not, that is the question!

What am I coloring Mama: I can't see it!