Thursday, November 19, 2009

No she Didn't!!!

Following up on my love of Cell phone post below. My daughter called 911 this week!!!!!

Every now and then I give Ashlyn the home phone to play with. She likes to push the buttons and hits the ring button a bunch. Well it was about 7:45am on Tuesday and there is a knock at the door. I look over and see a cop standing there. I pick up ashlyn and go to the door. This is what unfolded:

Cop:We got a 911 call from this residence. The dispatcher said she could hear a child babbling in the background. Did you have a child playing with the phone?

Me: Oh my gosh, yes, she had the home phone. I am so sorry!

Cop: Is there another child in the house?

Me: No, just her?

Cop: Wow, that is really impressive. I'm impressed she was able to call us.

Me: I don't know that impressive is the word I would use, I am so sorry!

Cop: Don't worry about it, happens on all the time. Have a good day.

Guess the pediatrician wasn't joking when she said Ashlyn was exceptional with her fine motor skills. I officially have a little trouble maker on my hands. Why do I feel like this is not the only time the cops are going to be visiting my home in the future.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cell phone madness

Not going to lie, the last week or so has been a tough one. A wave of sadness came over me that I really could not explain. I think most of it has to do with the fact that Ashlyn is starting to become much more independent and test her boundaries. She gets frustrated easily, knows what she is and is not supposed to do....then does it anyway, and is acting out more. I know it is all part of her little mind growing and gaining knowlegdge, but some days it is hard. Makes me miss my mother terribly. I could always vent to her, or get words of wisdom. Luckily I have the most amazing neighbor and mommy girlfriends who picked me up, listened to me cry, and gave hugs on those sad days and kept me going. Thank you!!!!

Side note: I think my daughter loves cell phones!

Girls Got Attitude in her walk

What girl doesn't need 3 phones

In the End, she always is my cheerleader for life

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ashlyn had her first experience trick or treating! We babysat swapped with my sister in law. We watched their 4 kids Friday while they went to their Halloween party, and then they took Ashlyn on Saturday. Ashlyn and Molly rode in the double stroller to trick or treat while the 3 boys ran up to the door. I think the little ones only lasted about 30-45 minutes. They all looked so cute. I just can't stop squeezing and loving on my little ducking, she's quack-tastic!

As for Matt and I....we had a good time at our Halloween party as well. 4 of our friends dressed up at characters from Spaceballs. Matt was Colonel Sanders, I was Princess Vespa, then we had Dot Matrix and Barf. As always, it was a very fun night on the town. I love love love Halloween and am sad it's over for another year.

First trip to Kings Island

We spent the Sunday after Halloween at Kings Island to celebrate Matt's mom's birthday. It was a perfect, cool, fall day. Ashlyn only went on a few rides, but mommy and daddy did the Diamondback. It was insane, and I honestly couldn't catch my breath on the first 2 drops. I was numb, but it was very smooth and tons of fun. Hopefully we'll get to take Ashlyn there a lot next summer.

My little helper

Ashlyn's new favorite thing is to help put clothes in and out of the dryer. I'm not going to complain, who doesn't love extra hands!
This is what I saw when i looked out the window last week. It was breathtaking, the hill was lit up with color and sunshine! This has been one of the most beautiful falls in years. Gorgeous!!!