Friday, September 11, 2009

My cheerleader for life!

I hate to make excuses for not keeping everyone up to date on us and Ashlyn. Ashlyn has become so active these days, and naps aren't always at the top of her list of things to do. Can make for long days, and mommy is worn thin and exhausted by the end of the day. I do not take a single second with her for granted though, the frustrating moments only teach me to be more patient and understanding.

She is blossoming these days. We have our official first word "ball". She gets so excited when she has the ball in her hand. Daddy has taught her to throw quite well. I'm thinking we may be attending some sporting events if her throwing skills continue.

She has also become quite proud of herself in everything she does. She claps when she hears anyone say good job, claps when she climbs on a box, claps when she hears them doing it on tv, claps when mommy dances, and claps when we clap. A Clapping machine!!! With clapping also comes banging things together. Life is like one big cymbal for her. She also likes to hold as many things with one hand as possible, it's quite impressive really.

Ashlyn also started dancing. I've been waiting for a long long time for this. She'll hold on to her walker, and bop to the music. It is so so so so cute! Probably something i've been waiting to see since the day she could sit up. I love it when babies do the squat and bop in their diaper. I might have to bust out the video camera on this one. And as usual, still walking around the house everywhere with her push toys. Exhausting!

I'm not to busy to blog, just too busy loving my daughter and everything she does. Guess that's a good excuse, right?

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