Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Birthday Bash

I'll start off by saying that Ashlyn's 12 month Dr. apt went really well. She is 21 lbs 9 oz., and 30 inches long. Puts her in the 75 percentile for heigth and 60th for weight. Dr. Wallace was really happy with her and said she is right on or beyond all of her 12 month markers. He also couldn't get over how happy and social she was. It was sweet. She cried for the shots, but stopped instantly. Wasn't too cranky for the party the next day, but definitely wasn't her normal super happy self.

As for the party, it was perfect. We had a house full of about 30 people. I spent 2 days baking all of her goodies and the cake. It was a little bit dramatic (i couldn't make the icing like my mom and had a bit of a breakdown) but a few supportive sibling calls later, everything turned out ok. I stuck with the colors of the invitation and decorated everything in yellow and pink. I have to say, I think it turned out pretty awesome!!!! Everyone watched the ohio state game, ate some pizza, we opened gifts and the day was done. Was a very fun and exciting 1st birthday. See tons more pictures on the life with ashlyn site.

Ashlyn got a cozy coupe from Grammy and Grandpa which she adores, she'll just get in the car and sit there. So cute!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Ashlyn

I am so excited to be celebrating Ashlyn's 1st birthday. Although we aren't doing anything special today, she is getting extra special birthday love. I think i've sang happy birthday to her 20 times. Everytime I do she gets the biggest smile on her face. It was a rainy, but very good day. She was happy from sun up to sun down. Not sure i'm ready for my baby to be a big girl, but she is growing before my eyes everyday. We are so proud of her and excited to wish her the biggest 1st birthday wishes possible.

Birthday morning smiles:

Birthday evening smiles:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week of Celebrating

Ashlyn's 1st birthday is on Wednesday, so instead of having 1 day of celebrating we are going to have 3. Started off the birthday week with a massively huge BANG! Mom's friends threw Ashlyn a birthday celebration yesterday that will go down in the record books. No detail was overlooked. They had decorations from the front door to the bathroom. A gourmet salad bar fit for a queen, and the most adorable and delicious strawberry cake and ice cream for dessert. Ashlyn was showered with love and gave back lots of smiles. We got books, adorable outfits, some toys, and even an umbrella and rain coat. What a lucky girl! The party ended with a few tears from me, as I was overwhelmed with everyone's kindness, hating that mom wasn't with us. But mostly just thankful that they helped us create this new, positive, and amazing 1st birthday memory. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart!!!!
Check out the life with ashlyn site link for all the party pictures!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Today is bitter sweet for me. I am celebrating the birth of the most amazing woman in my life, but also greatly reminded of her loss. I knew this day would be tough, but never expected the roller coaster of emotions i've had over the past few days.

Probably doesn't help that everything seems to be going wrong this week. Dropping stuff, threw away important papers, forgot my wallet at the store. Normally i'd suck it up and say i'm an idiot, but this week it's making me frustrated and hard on myself. Days like this remind me that i'm missing the greatest and best influence I ever had.

I know mom is singing and dancing looking down on us and celebrating what a gorgeous Friday afternoon this is. I'm trying to bask in the glory of what she left behind, 4 beautiful children, and 3 amazing and healthy grandchildren. That in itself is reason to be happy for her life and what she left of herself to keep giving.

Cheers to you mom, for making the world a better place for nearly 63 years. I love you and miss you dearly!

*Happy birthday to Carla and Julie too. This day is just as amazing because of you ladies as well.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Proud of Me!

Ashlyn is coming up on her 1 year birthday next week, and I have made it the whole year soley breastfeeding her. She did not have one single bottle of formula. The days I couldn't feed her she got stored breast milk. My mom told me she made it to a year with all of her kids. I remember thinking I'll be proud of myself if I get to 6 months. Well 6 months came and went like a breeze and I knew there was no reason to not give her those vital nutrients and immunity from me. We started organic whole milk last week and I cut out the daytime nursing. She took to that like nothing so I went ahead and dropped the other feedings this week. She is now almost totally drinking whole milk. I do pump in the evening so that she still has a little breast milk mixed into her bottles and it helps with the engorgment. We tried the sippy cup and she wasn't quite ready for milk out of that yet, but she dropped breast feeding like it was no big deal.

I am proud of me for trying it, for sticking with it for a year even when people made rude or silly comments about the time and effort, and for giving her a full year of benefits. I do not judge anyone for breast feeding or not, but it was the best and right thing for us and i'm very proud of myself for doing it!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

My cheerleader for life!

I hate to make excuses for not keeping everyone up to date on us and Ashlyn. Ashlyn has become so active these days, and naps aren't always at the top of her list of things to do. Can make for long days, and mommy is worn thin and exhausted by the end of the day. I do not take a single second with her for granted though, the frustrating moments only teach me to be more patient and understanding.

She is blossoming these days. We have our official first word "ball". She gets so excited when she has the ball in her hand. Daddy has taught her to throw quite well. I'm thinking we may be attending some sporting events if her throwing skills continue.

She has also become quite proud of herself in everything she does. She claps when she hears anyone say good job, claps when she climbs on a box, claps when she hears them doing it on tv, claps when mommy dances, and claps when we clap. A Clapping machine!!! With clapping also comes banging things together. Life is like one big cymbal for her. She also likes to hold as many things with one hand as possible, it's quite impressive really.

Ashlyn also started dancing. I've been waiting for a long long time for this. She'll hold on to her walker, and bop to the music. It is so so so so cute! Probably something i've been waiting to see since the day she could sit up. I love it when babies do the squat and bop in their diaper. I might have to bust out the video camera on this one. And as usual, still walking around the house everywhere with her push toys. Exhausting!

I'm not to busy to blog, just too busy loving my daughter and everything she does. Guess that's a good excuse, right?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


SMILE- def.

1. A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure, amusement, or derision.
2. A pleasant or favorable disposition or aspect.

If these pictures don't make you smile, I'm not sure what will!!!