Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life Got Busy!

Apologize that I haven't been on to blog in a few weeks. Obviously life threw us for a little loop, and things have been a bit hectic the past 2 weeks. After having some long rough days at home, we took a quick weekend trip to Islamorada, FL for my best friends wedding. It was a much needed few days away. The wedding and Sarah were gorgeous. Her veil went straight up in the air as she walked down the beach, she said mom was pulling it from Heaven! Ashlyn did awesome with her first flight, first babysitter, first swim, and first trip to FL.

Ashlyn and I both got a throw up bug while we were away. It only lasted 24 hours, but puking in a barf bag on a plane is not fun! Thank god I didn't know anything about the swine flu til it passed. I probably would have thought I had it.

Upon our return we had an exciting first visit from our friend Addie, and Stephanie. They'd met in our bellies but not in person. Addie was born the day before Ashlyn, but since they lived in SC we haven't gotten a chance to get the girls together. Well they recently moved to Bristol, TN so are only 5 hours away. They decided to come fill my house with laughter and heal my saddened heart with a fun visit to Ohio. We had an awesome few days. Both girls (and Steph) had their first trip to a Red's game. They had diaper fun, played together and bought some new toys, took naps in the car, went on a long walk, visited Dayton and enjoyed the spring flowers. It was so great to have them here, and though they've only been gone 2 hours, the house already seems empty and we miss then like crazy. Can't wait till we visit Bristol in June. Thanks for being such an awesome friend Steph!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Heavy Heart

I am filled with sadness during this extremely difficult time for me and my family. Although the passing of my mother was peaceful, surrounded by family, and without pain and suffering-the loss weighs heavy on my heart. As life settles down, the reality of it all is setting in.

She was my best friend, the one I called when I was bored, happy, sad, or needed advice. I would go to Dayton at least once a week for her company and she loved spending time with Ashlyn. Her death is overwhelming, and something that is going to take me a very long time to move on from.

I know I have to keep myself together, and stay strong for Ashlyn and Matt...but right now I feel like I want to fall apart. I am not sure how to make my life feel normal again. I miss her so very very much and wish I could have my Mommy back!

I love you Mom!

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Easter Bunny said WHAT??

Happy Easter!!!

May this Easter bring you a day full of sunshine and blessings. Do one thing for me.... Hug and tell those close to you how much they are loved, and be thankful for every precious second we are given.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Positive Thinking

What helps you stay positive when life throws curve balls at you? Today, i'm at a loss and trying everything to stay positive. Talking to my mother seems to be the only calming factor on an otherwise really crappy day!

Please keep my mother and my family in your prayers as we try to help her keep fighting this fight!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Picking Favorites!

I think Daddy wins! Although mommy is always the one grabbing the camera in cute moments, so maybe the playing field isn't particularly fair.

Hey.... Give me back to Daddy:)

Just kidding! Mommy makes me smile too:)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Slowly back to normal

We are slowly getting back to normal. Finally got some smiles and a few laughs by Saturday, but Ashlyn is still a bit cranky! The runny nose and raspy cough are lingering, but more than anything the eating is still off. I have filled my freezer full with milk. Pumping all the time sucks, and I look forward to her having a normal appetite again. We've been held lots over the past week, and mommy's neck and arms are also feeling all 18 pounds of it:) My throat started hurting Sunday night, fingers crossed i'm not coming down with something.

In other food news. We love sweet potatoes! Peas have gotten more of the "hmm" response. I'm still waiting for the food that will get the crazy "uck" face proceeded by her spitting it out. Doubt it will be as funny when she spits it all over me, but still amusing no less. She is such a big girl, even drinking water out of a sippy cup at feeding time.
It is snowing her tonight. Went from 69 degrees, to 31 degrees in one day. We've had such beautiful spring weather lately too. Darn Ohio. Hope your neck of the woods is a little nicer.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Double Whammy

Went back to the Dr. today because the fever was sticking around and Ashlyn wasn't eating well. What was fluid in the ear, indeed became a double ear infection. They said it was mild, but she had some puss and both ears were red. Poor thing, she's been sleeping and whimpering all day. Hoping the amoxcicilian clears it up quickly. I think taking care of a sick child is more stressful than job hunting. Poor thing!!! Prayers that tomorrow is a better day.