Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another First!

We have our first cold! This is not a "first" that I am excited about. My parents have both been sick, and Madison and Graham were sick, so she picked up something from my family last week. Started with a cough sunday night then she woke up with a nasty raspy cough and runny nose Monday. Went to the doctor today for her sixth month check up and she had a 102 fever and fluid in her ear. Luckily the ear isn't infected, so they're going to keep watching it. We go back in 1 1/2 weeks to get her shots and check her ear again. Poor thing, she just cuddles and cries and cries. Makes me feel HORRIBLE!!!!! (Took a picture of her all propped up in the crib with the humidifier running, so sad)

Besides the fever, everything else about her appointment went well. Her eyes checked out fine, so we do not have to go see an eye specialist (you see less white on the right eye, so it appears to fall in due to an illusion caused by the deeper crease on that eye.) She is a little chunker weighing in at 17 lbs 7 ounces, and was 27 inches long. We didn't get into the percentiles, but i'm guessing she is on the upper end of most of them. He isn't concerned about her head (flat spot), and everything else looks good. Overall great, minus a nasty cold. Whew!!

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