Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another First!

We have our first cold! This is not a "first" that I am excited about. My parents have both been sick, and Madison and Graham were sick, so she picked up something from my family last week. Started with a cough sunday night then she woke up with a nasty raspy cough and runny nose Monday. Went to the doctor today for her sixth month check up and she had a 102 fever and fluid in her ear. Luckily the ear isn't infected, so they're going to keep watching it. We go back in 1 1/2 weeks to get her shots and check her ear again. Poor thing, she just cuddles and cries and cries. Makes me feel HORRIBLE!!!!! (Took a picture of her all propped up in the crib with the humidifier running, so sad)

Besides the fever, everything else about her appointment went well. Her eyes checked out fine, so we do not have to go see an eye specialist (you see less white on the right eye, so it appears to fall in due to an illusion caused by the deeper crease on that eye.) She is a little chunker weighing in at 17 lbs 7 ounces, and was 27 inches long. We didn't get into the percentiles, but i'm guessing she is on the upper end of most of them. He isn't concerned about her head (flat spot), and everything else looks good. Overall great, minus a nasty cold. Whew!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What a Weekend!

We have had quite an eventful last few days! Ashlyn's cousins from NYC came for a visit. We got to spend a few fun days visiting with Madison and Graham. Madison is like a big sister to Ashlyn, tickeling her toes, helping to get her dressed, and giving lots of hugs and kisses. We even took a fun trip to the Museum in Cincinnati to see the Dinosaur Exhibit. Ashlyn loved looking up and seeing all the big dinosaurs, a little more exciting than looking at the ceiling at home!
Saturday was a very big day, Ashlyn had her first overnight at Grandma and Grandpa's in Dayton. Matt's parents took her for the night since we were having Game Night at our house. She slept well, and was an angel, so we hope they will volunteer again. As for mommy and daddy....we had fun playing all kinds of games with our friends and letting loose for a night. I woke up several times thinking I missed her crying out, but overall was able to enjoy a baby free evening.

And one of the most exciting things.......We have our first tooth. We haven't had any signs of teething in awhile, no drooling/fussing/loose style. So imagine my surprise when I stick my finger in her mouth today and feel a very sharp little tooth on her bottom gums. I had to call and share it with both Grandma's right away. The things we get excited about:) My baby girl is always changing and growing! Hope your weekend was great too!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

6 Months Old!

Scary to think she is half way through her first year. When they say it goes quickly, they sure aren't lying! My little baby girl is not so little anymore. We go for her 6 month appointment next week, so we'll see how she checks out in the weight/height department.

We are not quite sitting up on our own, but very very close. She balances herself from falling backwards, but it still wobbly side to side. I think she'll be doing it like a pro in the blink of an eye. Luckily she still likes sitting on mommy's lap, I'm not ready to give that up.

I can't help but sing....She's my cherry pie....when I see her in her cute cherry outfit!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Argh, Yum, So much Fun!

Who needs thumbs when you can just suck your toes (or shoes)!

Rolling and Playing on the floor is so much fun...

My Mommy is HILARIOUS!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hair and Eyes???

We are coming up on 6 months next week and I am wondering if Ashlyn's hair will ever grow?!?! My niece, Madison, didn't have much hair for a long time. I believe she was nearly 3 before it went into a ponytail. I am thinking that Ashlyn is on the same road. I get jealous when I see babies with tons of hair. Ashlyn's face is so sweet though that I can't help but adore and love my baldy baby!

As well, we still aren't sure what color her eyes are going to be. They definitely are not brown...who would have thought 2 brown eyed people wouldn't produce a brown eyed baby?!?! They are a dark blue/gray with tints of yellow in the center. Not sure what you'd call them, and I can't tell if they are still changing. Guess we'll just wait and see. She's a beauty anyway you look at it:)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!!!

Hope everyone is having a great St. Patrick's Day. It is beyond gorgeous outside here in Ohio. Blue skies, sunny, and 70 degrees. Same thing in the forecast for tomorrow. Hope your holiday is happy and sunshiny as well! Don't drink too much green beer. Here is my little good luck charm, and future gold digger:) Still wobbly, but getting better and better at sitting and balancing.

Had a good weekend. We stayed at my parents house to dog sit while they are on their cruise. Worked out well since I had a fun night planned in Dayton for the weekend anyway. We went to The Melting Pot, and to Atmosphere Dance Club for Sarah's bachelorette party. It was yummy, filling, and the club was OH SO amusing to say the least. Gotta love a dance club with a swing and stripper pole, sparklers......plus all the white trash of Dayton. He he-we fit right in.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

They call her Mellow Yellow!

Picking out the perfect Easter dress is no easy task! I think we finally decided on a cute one. My mom has gotten all of my niece's party/fancy dresses from the Wooden Soldier- the stuff is so cute and high quality!!! http://www.woodensoldierltd.com/

Ashlyn's chunky baby rolls make her look so funny in dresses, but what little girl doesn't have an Easter Dress. This is what we decided on. Hope it's as cute in person!

Last night she slept 9 hours. We hope the long sleeping stretches are back for good. Here are a few of the daily pics we sent to Daddy over the last week...the Mellow Ashlyn! I like to think her hair is slowing growing, but she's pretty much a baldy baby.

Monday, March 9, 2009

So proud of myself!

The Finished Product!
I did it all myself (picked colors, bought the paint, measured the grid, taped, and painted)

Now I have to order the rug, buy the bookcase and storage piece, organize her toys, pick out colorful window treatments and bright accents for the 4 other walls. Oh, and paint the chalk board and border it. Baby steps right?!?!?!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Girl Gone Wild

My Sweet Clemson Girl Hanging out after reading a story. Then she spies something enticing and colorful in the distance!!!!

And then the attack....of the Jumperoo!

Friday, March 6, 2009

She Loves Daddy

She may get to spend all of her days with me, but Ashlyn certainly is Daddy's little girl! She loves hearing his voice on the phone, and get's so excited when Daddy comes home from work every night. And she loves to giggle for Daddy as he gets her ready for bath time and bed. I fear I know who she will be turning to first to ask for money or the car keys down the road!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

In the Works

Haven't snapped a picture yet, but the one wall of the play room is painted. It didn't too take long, but each color required 2 coats, which makes the process a bit tedious. The worst part was cleaning out the brush all the time to change colors. I am very happy with it so far, and am debating what to tackle next, or should I just leave the rest of the walls alone??? Decisions Decisions! I'll be sure to post pics in the next few days.
Been a slow week. My sister came home for a few days, so we spent some time with her at my parents house. Ashlyn's been doing much better with the sleeping. On a pretty set schedule of waking up at 4, and then 7. Still isn't nearly where we were, but it's better, and i'll take what I can get! We've started a daily nighttime routine of bathing with the bedtime bath and lotion. I think it's really helping. Hoping to slowly inch back to the 8 or 9 hours she once did.

Otherwise we have a happy little girl......
who is Teething!!!!