Thursday, January 29, 2009

White Death

That is what they call these big snow storms around here! Kinda creepy if you think about it. Took a few pics from inside the house. The most I've gone out has been to shovel the sidewalk for the FedEx guy to arrive (which he never did, boo). And yes, i've been in PJ's for about 3 days straight now, going stir crazy!!!! Gotta love winter!

Ashlyn doesn't seem to mind being stuck inside though. She was all smiles as usual.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Me and Love Bug are Snowed In

My college friend Nicola sent Ashlyn these cute PJ's that say "Love bug" on them. Super cute! She looks even cuter hanging out in them on Daddy's tummy.

White Death has officially hit the Cincinnati area. Every time they say we are going to get a big snow storm it never happens. Well this isn't a huge snow storm, but we are at least getting what they predicted. About 4 inches fell through the night, and freezing rain started this afternoon. Think it is supposed to turn back over to snow again this evening. Either way, it's yucky outside. We are hoping that daddy makes it home from work safe and sound this evening.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

On Target!

Everything went Great at Ashlyn's 4 month appointment. She is exactly 15 pounds, which put her in the 50th percentile. She was a little over 24 3/4 inches, which is 75th percentile. And her head still falls in the 15th percentile. The shape of it totally throws that one off. He told us to keep working on getting her to lay her head on both sides and do neck exercises, since the one side is so flat.

Otherwise everything was great and he was very happy with her progress. We will start introducing rice cereal in the next few weeks, and work on the sitting position. The shots were no fun, but she did just as great as she did with them at 2 months. I hate the tears and sad crying after it ends, but at least i didn't cry this time. Hopefully she'll stay healthy and we won't be back again till her 6 month check up!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Goodbye 3 Months, Hello 4!

My little girl is no so little anymore. She turns 4 months tomorrow. We have her 4 month appointment and I am very curious to see how much she's grown over the last two months. The 3rd month flew by faster than ever, and I imagine it will only go faster as she continues to do more and become more interactive. I know it will only get better, but I'll miss her being so small!!!!

Why I loved the 3rd month:
  • She smiles more than ever
  • She sleeps 7 to 10 hours every night
  • She is ticklish when I put lotion on her neck
  • She giggles when I tickle her and make funny noises
  • She talks like a drunk sailor to her monkey friends
  • She loves looking and talking to mommy and daddy
  • She smiles and kicks when I go to get her out of the crib in the morning
  • She goes down for more regular naps
  • She blows spit bubbles, which I think is cute
  • She loves to look at herself in the mirror
  • She holds her rattle, and snuggles her lovie bunny
  • She likes it when I read her colorful story books
  • She still likes to be held
  • She cuddles up to my neck when she is sleepy

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaguration Day

I'm sure Ashlyn has no idea what she is looking at, but she was smiling at the TV and liked all the bright colors. Figured I should make sure she is a part of history today. Here she is watching Barack Obama being sworn into office.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sassy Me

Ashlyn loves looking at herself in the Sassy Me mirror! Plopped it down next to the playmat and she was in happy heaven. I love hearing her talk to herself, she rolls her r's like a frenchman.... Arrrrrr! Her personality is starting to really come to life. I'm biased, but she is possibly the cutest creation ever!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ashlyn misses Madison

My little brother sent out a bunch of pictures from the holidays. When I pulled up this picture of Ashlyn and Madison it made my heart skip a beat. Madison loved giving Ashlyn kisses and hugs, and nicknamed her "Cutie Cheeks" (which has since become Daddy's favorite nickname for her). I know Ashlyn misses seeing her big girl cousin, we wish they lived closer:(

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ohio = Burrrr

It is a whopping 12 degrees today in Cincinnati. We are suppose to get down to -2 today, and god only knows what the wind chill is. Burr! Venturing out to meet some new friends for dinner tonight, but otherwise are staying wrapped up tight indoors. I'd prefer a huge snowfall over this biting cold chill.

Here is a picture from the Bayer Bowling outing on Sunday. We met all of Matt's family in Middletown for weekend family fun. I officially suck at bowling, as if i didn't already know that (but sober bowling proved it)! I gave up plaing after one round. It was fun to get out with the family and do something different though. Hoping for more fun Sundays in the future!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Where my Girls At?

I came across this picture and it made me miss my friends! Peachy, Steph and I all had our babies within 3 weeks of each other. The Tri-Deltas of childbirth:)

This is of the two of them gazing out and enjoying the beautiful weather on my wedding day! Makes me happy to know they are probably doing the exact same things as me, and covered with spit up doing it. I miss my girls!!!!! (they are so stinking cute)

Friday, January 9, 2009

3 Month Photos

We had the photographer, Christine Gorczyk, who has taken all of Ashlyn's photos come to my mom's house to do a family photo session over the Christmas holiday. She got some great shots of the kids and my mom. Here are a few to share!!! She is going to do another mini shoot with Ashlyn at her studio this week cause we didn't get a large variety of shots.

Seriously Mom?!?!?

This is what I imagine Ashlyn was thinking when I dressed her this morning.

Ashlyn: Ummm, what year is it?
Me: 2009
Ashlyn: Then why am I dressed like it is 1985
Me: Daddy loved the sweat pants, and it was a good buy at Target
Ashlyn: Ok, but seriously, I'm pretty sure gray sweatpants with hearts on them and a sparkly boxy pink sweatshirt are totally out of style!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year, New Happenings

We really didn't do anything exciting for the New Year. Didn't have a baby sitter, so we ended up laying low for the first time in many years. We went to Rafferty's for dinner, put Ashlyn down, watched the ball drop, then was in bed about 25 minutes later. It was relaxing and a nice change of pace, but not anything crazy to write home about!

We have had a few fun things happen since the 2009 year began. On Friday, Ashlyn giggled for the first time. I was kissing her neck and making funny noises and she started giggling. It is so cute! I wish she would do it more often. Then as of yesterday, she finally found her hands. She was staring at her fist and actually held on to a rattle and shook it a few times. I've been waiting for weeks for her to see her hands, so I was so excited when i saw her staring at them. Yipee! I know there will be many more firsts to come.

Ashlyn loves to stare at the Monkey on both her play mat and bouncer, I think they are becoming good friends because she talks up a storm to them. Guess she might love monkeys like her mama. Here she is hanging out on our bed with my other baby....Mr. Monkey.