Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks

I hope everyone has a safe, filling, and family filled Thanksgiving! I am excited about our first Thanksgiving as a family of 3.... and getting to spend the holiday at both our families homes eating delicious food.

This year I am thankful for:
  • My Mother, who is beyond amazing, and an inspiration for the mom I want to be
  • My Daughter, who teaches me to be patient and what unconditional love feels like
  • My husband, who has put up with my hormonal behavior the last 10 months and tells me everyday that I am beautiful!
  • My family, who calls just to chat and say hello, I love that!
  • My dog, who is so cute when she tilts her head and whines
  • For an amazing house, that is warm and comforting on cold winter nights
  • And for a life blessed with amazing friends, for whom I be lost without!

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