Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Labor Day Weekend and Stress

Labor day was a hot, but eventful weekend.

Saturday we had Matt's 10 year reunion for Alter. I had my camera, but never got it out to take pictures. There were several other pregnant girls there, so at least I had some sober girls to sit and observe with. I'd say they had about 60 or so people come. Nothing too wild and crazy, just a bunch of drunk people hanging out at the Holiday Inn by the mall. I surprisingly know a lot of people in his class, so it really wasn't too bad.

We spent most of the day on Sunday at Alms Park in Cincinnati and then caught some of the fireworks. Next year we are hoping to get a ton of people together to go downtown to watch them, it is a great show they put on over the river.

Monday we didn't labor too hard, read and lounged around and then went to Matt's parents house to grill out. It was a nice holiday weekend.

Had a Dr.'s appointment this morning. They were a bit concerned because my blood pressure was up quite a bit. I don't have any protein in my urine, but they told me to pay attention if I start swelling or getting headaches. Made me a little nervous, but maybe it is just stress or I laid on the right side too much last night! I had actually lost a little weight since my last appointment, which i'm not sure how- I've grown a lot in 2 weeks. Also had the Strep test done, but otherwise we are set for another week. Fingers crossed my BP goes down and all is well.


Katie said...

I had to get BP checks with Samantha. I was ok though but had to go to CVS lots to check. ;) Good luck with that, it can be scary.

Lindsey said...

I've been to Wal-mart twice now to check it:) Luckily it has gone down from yesterday. Made me nervous though cause it had gone from 110/70 to 136/96.