Thursday, September 4, 2008

35 Weeks

The carpet came. It is super soft, and definitely the size we were picturing for the room. It isn't yellow at all, which is what I was assuming, but the white color works. It looks much better in person, and it feels great on your feet. They are going to start painting the murals on Monday!

Here is my 35 week picture. Baby B is growing growing growing. Crazy to think how fast you expand in the last 2 months compared to the rest of the pregnancy. Belly button is definitely flat! Went and checked my BP at Wal-mart, is has gone down since yesterday so that is a very good thing. I am getting an ultrasound next Wednesday to check out her size. I'm excited to see the difference from my 19 week ultrasound. She's gonna be so big!


Katie said...

Is baby b not getting a name till d-day?

Love the room. ;)

Lindsey said...

We still don't know what name we want. We have the list narrowed down to like 4, but we can't decide. I'm guessing when she pops out we'll decide which one she fits best.