Tuesday, April 15, 2008

14 Weeks 4 day Belly

Wow, it is going to get harder and harder to share pictures when I can start physically noticing myself getting bigger. I feel like i'm going to be a beluga whale here in the next few weeks. Ok, so it's not that bad.....but I still feel thick and icky. I think this picture explains it all!
My Doctor's appointment went well. I have put on a few pounds, which I expected since my pants have become a bit snug. I'm sure most of that has to do with the fact that I started eating normal human food 3 weeks ago. I can at least eat chicken and vegetables again, although I'm still indulging in lots of bagels and oyster crackers which seem to settle the best. Got to hear the heartbeat, which was a strong 160 bpm. Otherwise, it was a pretty uneventful appointment.

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