Thursday, September 5, 2013

The 6 week smile makes it all worth while!

There is just something so awesome about the first smiles.  It's kind of like they are saying to you, "thanks for putting up with me the past month and a half".  It makes it all worth while, and you feel a little bit more appreciated as a parent.  It's awesome! I love sweet sweet baby smiles. 

Leading up to these smiles, we've had a great few last weeks.  Alexis seriously sleeps ALL the time.  I thought Austin slept a lot as a baby, at like 20 hours a day, but it seems you somehow have him beat. Not only do you sleep all day, but you sleep all night.  Doing 4-5 hour chunks, and even when you do wake up, it is just to nurse and fall instantly back asleep.  We have yet to have a night you've been awake or confused that it is time to sleep.  The pediatrician is convinced you are conditioning me for a 4th, but I think otherwise:). 

Ashlyn and Austin can't get enough of you still. Wanting to help give you a bottle, lay with you, hold you, kiss you.  The acting out has gotten better, and at least the two of them are entertaining each other better while mommy is preoccupied feeding or caring for you. The only frustrating thing is that i swear Austin always has to pee the minute I start nursing.  I've certainly mastered the one arm depantsing while holding a baby on my boob.  As the Spring weather blooms, we are trying to be outside as much as possible, and continue to adjust to our new routine. 

My Little Nugget at 1 Month 

Batting practice in ballet attire!

Sleeping, as usual

Big Sister Snuggles

Brotherly kisses

Getting along, well at least in this moment

Mommy in Training

Alexis just stares at Ashlyn, already idolizes her big sister! 

The tender moments my kids share loving on Alexis make it all worth while. We've tackled running errands with 3, going to practices, school, ect. I got this, right.....I got this!!

Meeting Noelle Elizabeth

The exciting thing about having a baby the same month as your sister is that you can talk and have someone who is going through the exact same things you are day to day.  The negative, having my own small child means I couldn't be there for Noelle's birth or her transition back home.  Although i am the younger sister, having had children first makes me feel maternal in wanting to be there for Ashley, especially since mom isn't here. 

Luckily, we are blessed by amazing parents who are willing to help out.  So as quick as I could work it out, Matt and I jumped in the car and headed off to chicago (with only Alexis) to baby bond. Matt worked in the car on the way there, and baby girl slept the WHOLE way.  We stopped at Arby's for me to nurse her about 4 hours in, but otherwise it was a quick/and quiet trip.

The weekend was perfect, we did NOTHING! We sat around for a whole day+ just holding our baby girls, talking, relaxing, and feeling exhausted together.  It really stinks that we don't live closer. Now than Nick and Ashley have a baby they are living a similar, no personal time, life.  Luckily they are always a phone call away.....and hopefully we will both make enough trips back and forth over the years that Noelle and Alexis will be bestie cousins, especially being 12 days apart in age. 

Daddy working hard on the way to Chicago


Alexis checking out her new cousin

Justen called them "Asian and Jamaican"

Double Duty

Instant Friends

*We are a bit jealous of Noelle's hair, but we still LOVE her:)  Mom would be beyond smitten with these two sweet, adorable, baby girls!