Baby B #3 is doing great and I am still feeling awesome. Running at the gym every Monday while the kids are at school and sleeping great. Getting bigger and bigger everyday. And after getting through the first month of potty training (with all the ups and downs), have decided to give it a little break. With family in town, and the excitement, easier to just put on the diaper and forget about it for awhile.
So much to tell, this post could last forever. Will do a speed wrap up by putting descriptions with photos. I'll let all the fun photos tell the story of how AWESOME our holiday season was. Santa treated us well this year. I love Christmas!
Walking through the lights at Niederman Farm, Ashlyn was really into the religious aspect of the story walk, and nativity scene. Followed by cookies and hot chocolate.
My christmas tree helpers. There ended up being a clump of ornaments in one spot, but I didn't mind. They LOVE the ornaments with their pictures on them.
Saturday morning Christmas music dance party.
Helping daddy put lights in front of the house.
The LOLCP Christmas performance. Both kids did awesome. Ashlyn is quite the little performer on stage and Austin stood still and sang, it was adorable!! "And they said that his name was...Jesus!"
Santa Brunch at NCR with Ducky and Jill.
A chance to visit with Santa at her school Christmas party.
PJ story time with Santa at Books Bums. Got to make crafts and eat cookies.
Hosted Ashley's baby shower at dad's house. Had a huge turnout and Ashley got TONS of stuff for her baby girl. Decorated everything in yellow and grey with elephants.
Sisters, and our big ole bellies.
Christmas Eve dinner, at the usual joint, Bravo. We took the kids to the children's service at Christ United Methodist and then met matt's family for dinner.
My beautiful family, and excited kids to soon get a visit from Santa.
Ashlyn and daddy made special bear cookies for santa. I think he liked them, he ate several!
Ashlyn's letter to Santa. A toe scrubber (yes, again), Baby Ariel, and Ariel Underwear. It may be the easiest wish list ever, gotta love the girls simplicity. Austin wanted a blue blanket and toe scrubber.
Two VERY excited, and spoiled, kids on Christmas morning. Santa did arrive!
Helping each other open gifts, and sharing on the excitement!
Baby Ariel, Thanks Santa!
Austin's blue blanket, and with monkeys. Santa is the best!
Celebrating Christmas at mimi and papa's house with their cousins. They both got big belly banks, and a book with pictures of them with mimi and papa which was huge hit.
All the cousins with papa.
Enjoying adult beverages and a fun new card game.
Got hit with massive snow just after Christmas. Kids made a mini snowman on the deck, and Ashlyn sledded next door. Austin wasn't too sure about the cold. He preferred to stay indoors with mommy.
My family all came into town the weekend after Christmas, so the festivities continued with the usual Thanksgiving style dinner and celebrating. Kids are learning to make stuffing. YUM!!!
Fun time with the England cousins, Ashlyn loved hanging out with Madison.
Testing out their Christmas gifts. Spiderman costume and ashlyn's dancing doll were both winners.
Eating pizza and playing games while we wait for the ball to drop.
Ashlyn loves her Uncle Justen
Hahaha, not sure who's more scared of the midnight popper. Was a late night of fun for the kids, and us!
Sledding down ducky's hill with Madison and Graham.
My little beauty and her mis matched socks from Madison
As chaotic as the Christmas season can be, it truly is magical to spend Christmas with children. They get excited about the true meaning of Christmas, celebrating Jesus and family. Although i get major anxiety over all the craziness, massive amount of gifts, and back and forth travel.......every second is worth it! Can't wait for Santa Claus to come back next year.