Friday, February 1, 2013

Give thanks for a little, and find a lot!

Moving into November, with it's mix of warm and cold weather days.  Was a pretty low key month for us.  We all have gotten our mix of Fall congestion and colds. I managed to get a cold that lingered for a good 5 weeks, resulting in a fluid filled ear.  Wanna talk about being Thankful, I am beyond Thankful for the gift of hearing.  Having a completely clogged, fluid filled ear drum is horrible and something I do not wish on anyone. Thank you pregnancy for allowing me to store extra fluid, in my ear, sooooo fun! 
Sidewalks on our street mean safer trips to the pond on her Razor. 

Helping mommy make piles, for daddy to pick up:)

I have to say, I am beyond Thankful for the "here and there" moments when my children get along. Why is it that when we love someone one, we often treat them the worst? Ashlyn loves her little brother to pieces, and wants him to play with her ALL the time, but she also picks on him to no avail. I'd say we get a 60-40 balance of fighting and fun. Wish those numbers were reversed, it would be much more peaceful around this house.  In between the time outs, and tears, there are these awesome moments.....I hope they take them in as much as I do! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS A 3RD GONNA DO TO THIS ALREADY HECTIC DYNAMIC?!?!?!?!?

Snuggling during a movie and snack 

Making homemade letter "A" pretzels

Weekend snuggle time with daddy

We started off our Thanksgiving festivities with Ashlyn's Thanksgiving feast at school. She made an adorable pilgrim in their preschool play. Seeing the kids excitement makes the holiday even more exciting.  We had a 60 degree Thanksgiving, which made for an awesome day.  Spent the first part of the day at my dad's house (Justen and Jenn came home) playing outside in the yard.  We then ventured over to Matt's parents house for a 4:30 meal followed by fun on the patio making s'mores.  Who would of thought Thanksgiving would be a day spent outside, you just NEVER know in Ohio.  And the night was completed by Matt's black friday, midnight run, shopping venture to H.H.Greg to purchase a 60 inch TV for the living room. 

Preschool projects

My little pilgrim

My little shag a muffins hair is finally getting too shaggy to maintain.  Once it started growing it has gone into fast forward mode....slow down hair! His curls are turning into a mullet and his bangs are getting long.  Over 2 and going for his first haircut, tear tear, off to the barber we go!  Luckily they suggested I keep it longer, and only trimmed up the length. Made the whole experience a lot easier on momma. 
Such a dude! 

Look at that mohawk

Didn't move a peep the whole time at the barber

With big boy haircuts, come big boy things.  While we've been sitting on the potty here and there for months, I decided it was time to put potty training into full swing.  With a baby on the way, and new carpets coming the first week of December, I have to give it a try.  We got a new potty chair, he picked out big boy undies at the store, and it's "Go" time......literally! All I can say is, potty training Austin is a whole different ball game than Ashlyn.  He will pee or poo his pants and not even care, and if we go naked he just pees on the floor. Hmmmm, guess boys really are harder than girls to potty train.  I sense lots of singing and candy rewards in Austin's future. 

Moral support from big sister

Having a snack on the potty....whatever works, right!

Thankful for my stuffed belly, grow baby grow

Cold weather is upon us, burr! 

My Children are obsessed with Gangnam style. It is one of the most watched U Tube videos ever, which I know we have certainly contributed to.  It is a video of a Korean guy, with very unique dance moves. He acts like he is riding a horse, and then pumps his fist through the air. The majority of the song is sung in Korean, except for the chorus, which is heard a lot around this house. 

Oppa Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa Gangnam style, Gangnam style
Oppa Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady, Oppa Gangnam style
Eh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

Oppa Gangnam Style- 60 inch edition

Perfecting their moves

Lastly, I am thankful for nudity.  As much as it freaks a lot of people out (daddy included), I think it's no big thing that my kids want to be naked all the time. They seriously are probably naked 50% of the time we are at home, warm or cold out.  I'll walk in the playroom and they'll both have all their clothes off. Like my dad always said, "we are brought into this world naked, why wear clothes". 

It is not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our Thanksgiving! - W.T Purkiser