What a fun, busy, crazy month December was. We were here, there and everywhere. As to be expected.... we baked, saw lots of lights, and ran around town enjoying the holiday spirit. Luckily the kids behaved, and Santa made a very generous visit to our house. We sang a LOT of songs about baby Jesus, and loved playing with the manger. Time with family seemed short this year, wish it would have lasted longer. The spirit of Christmas truly is in the heart of children, and I loved living it through Ashlyn this year. Felt magical!
This massive row of pictures is just a small taste of all the fun we had.
Our "Little People" Nativity Scene
Peanut Butter Reindeer Cookies to Share
Carriage Parade in Lebanon. Ashlyn LOVED it!
Ashlyn's Letter to Santa (all she wanted was a toe scrubber)
LOLCP Christmas Performance
Naughty or Nice?
Festival of Lights at the Zoo
This picture cracks me up, love that they are holding hands
Telling Santa she wants a toe scrubber
Christmas Ranch with the Hinkers
NCR Santa Brunch
Ashlyn was not feeling Santa (or feeling well). Had a 104+ fever that night
Moving Santa on the Advent Calendar
Looking precious before Xmas Eve Service
(it was only 20 minutes long..awesome)
Spending quality time with Great Grandma England
Family portrait
Xmas Eve Dinner at Dad's
Santa left a nice thank you note
Christmas morning
A TOE SCRUBBER, thank you Santa
Loving the dress up clothes from Austin, and her own camera
All Austin needs is a toothbrush
Austin was totally Smitten with Bob, it was sweet!
Christmas at Dad's
The winning gift: Toy Story ride on car
Christmas at Mimi and Papa's
Looks like Austin has overnights in his future, yippee!
Ashlyn was insistent on signing happy birthday to Jesus!
Cute, and Clean Cousins
Visit to CoCo Key indoor waterpark
What are they doing this month!!!
Calls me Daddy, even though he is fully capable of saying mommy. With all his teething issues, he seems to be sleeping in our bed every night. He is saying: Up, "Hi", fish, bubble (bubble guppies), milk, hot, Aaaah (for ashlyn), can do most animals noises now, and much more. Recognizes everything: when you ask him to point to the goat he'll pick it out. LOVES to dance to anything.....happy dance! We say do your happy dance and he runs in place really fast while smiling. He is obsessed with his blue striped shoes, and runs to grab that particular pair every time we say lets put our shoes on. He is still a total momma's boy!
Ashlyn loves giving Austin hugs before nap and bed, and calls him sweet baby boy. My favorite was when she came in to hug him goodnight and he had a little diaper rash. She said, "I hope your butt feels better, you are a sweet sweet boy Austin". They are starting to fight a lot more over toys. She actually bit him the day before christmas, leaving a huge bruise and bite mark on his leg. She loves writing her name, does it all really well except does the S backwards. Loves to write ho ho ho, starting to know most alphabet letters and her numbers visually. She's a sweet sweet girl.