Whoever said "enjoy these moments cause they go by quickly" really knew what they were talking about. I feel like when Ashlyn was a baby and hit all her milestones I had so much time to take it all in, share the excitement, and enjoy the moment. With Austin, he'll do something that suprises someone, and i'm like "oh yeah, he's been doing that for weeks". Not that it isn't exciting, and I definitly want to share it with the world, time just seems to be in warp speed these days.
These next few months are my favorite. I love it when they can sit and entertain themselves, show SO much personality, try to talk back to you and think you are the FUNNIEST person alive. Life is more routine, fun, easy, and enjoyable. I could squeeze and kiss my little monkey to pieces.
My little boy is anything but little! He is going to eat us out of the house. All you have to do is get out a baby food jar, or spoon and he loses his mind with excitement. Over the last month he's started sitting up, and babbling Dadadada. It is the cutest and sweetest thing in the world watching him say "dada" and seeing the proud look on Matt's face. Priceless!
Everyone who is around Austin says the same thing, wow he is such a content and happy little guy. How did we get blessed with perfection twice. Lucky us!!!!
Austin's 1st trip to the Zoo