Monday, February 21, 2011

You're My Little Love Bug

I LOVE the cute little sayings in the book, "You're My Little Love Bug ". When i read it I can't help but smile and squeeze my kiddos.

My favorite page: You're my wiggly worm, My busy little bee, My silly goose, My moosey-moose, my monkey up a tree.........You're everything that's wonderful, You're all of the Above! But most of all, What you are, Is God's sweetest gift of love!

God graced us with the most amazing little beings, and I love HOW MUCH they LOVE each other.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Little A is 5 Months

Hard to beleive that Austin hit the 5 month mark already. The next few months are my favorite of the baby stage. Love that I can hold him, for the most part, on my hip. He's becoming so active and interactive. Getting stronger to sit up, showing pretty consistent napping patterns, super easy to put to bed, eating and swallowing rice ceral and ready to move to oatmeal and veggies, reaching and grabbing for everything. His favorites are crinkle anything, and looking at himself in the mirror. Ashlyn loves to eat her fruit snacks and then give Austin the bag to's sweet!

Poor thing has had his 3rd cold in a row. I hate when he's congested cause he struggles while nursing. He was being fussy (not normal) and ran a low grade temp so I took him to the Dr. knowing something was up. He has his first ear infection. Guess he and his sister are wired the same way, she had lots of ear infections her first 2 years. Got some antibiotics and he's quickly recooperating.

The only thing that really makes him mad, is going in the car seat. He's fine once clipped in, or moving, but gets mad mad mad when you put him in. Much different than ashlyn who would lounge or nap happily in her carseat for hours. Otherwise he is still the most easy going, chill baby. Can't resist his adorable baby giggles. Hope his big baby smiles make your heart sore like they do for us.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Who am I???

The other day I was watching The Nanny Diaries, the main character was talking about "who she was, and how to define herself". As a mother we are so easily defined by our children....what are they wearing, how do they behave, do they know their colors and numbers, ect. It's easy to lose our sense of self because we are trying to keep up, fit in, be noticed, and leave an impression. I don't have the time to go tanning, get my eye brows waxed, hit the gym very often, keep up with cool new cell phones and technology, or shop for myself. But although life isn't about "ME" anymore, I'm ok with that, and still feel I know who Lindsey is. So who am I:

I Am:

A little bit anal- toys/dishes all have a place, books are arranged by tallest to shortest, bed is made with the decorative pillows everyday, pajama's have a place at the end of the bed, don't like it when the kids get dirty and they never eat without a bib on.

Somewhat random- I drink out of the carton, eat lots of dough when baking, never have my cell phone on me, enjoy acting silly to make people laugh, turn everything into a song, never order a drink then will drink out of matt's, don't mind cleaning (except vaccuuming), only wear my hair in a ponytail to exercise or sleep.

Like feeling good about myself- Take a shower everyday, almost alway have on a little bit of makeup, like to be fit and thin, enjoy eating healthy food, taking Zumba makes me feel sexy.

A little snobby- I like having a nice home (although I don't have an eye for interior design), enjoy buying name brand clothes (they really are made better and fit better), love my grandma style Cadi, like eating out on weekends, being able putting Ashlyn in activities like gymnastics, staying home with my children.

Devoted to my friends and family-love sending packages to friends, try to call my friends often to check in, send cards in the mail instead of only e-mailing, am extremely defensive of my siblings.

Sensitive-Do not show my emotions to many people (especially my sadness over losing mom), get my feelings hurt very easily, am not good about standing up for myself, hate to fight or argue with people, am hard on myself when I mess up, want people to like me.

I enjoy: cooking, running, blogging, shopping, being in the Junior League, hanging out with our parents, taking trips (when they get to happen).

I am: a good dancer, decent baker, creative, outgoing, friendly, happy, a wife and mother!

*In the grand scheme of things, my life these days is really about my children....and I'm ok with that. I do not mind being defined by them, because i'm pretty darn proud of my little monkeys, and will always put them before myself!